Autoloader–Log In and Out of a Vault

After your files are scanned, you must log into a vault before you can map any folders.

Contact the administrator of your vault for your account information and server location. If an account has not been set up for you, contact your vault administrator.

Log into a Vault

  1. Enter the user name and password assigned to you by your vault administrator.
  2. Enter the name of the computer where the server is installed, for example, SERVERNAME. If you do not know the name of the server, contact your administrator.
  3. Enter the name of the database to which you have access. The names of the last several databases that have been accessed are retained in the drop-down list. You can select the name of the database from the list or click the expansion button to see the complete list of previously accessed databases. If you do not know the name of the database, contact your administrator.
  4. Autoloader for Pro/ENGINEER Users Only–select a workspace.
  5. If you have a Microsoft Windows Active Directory account, you can log into the Autodesk Data Management Server using your Microsoft Windows user account credentials. Turn on the Windows Authentication check box.
    • Windows Authentication is available only for Active Directory domains.
    • If you are not using Windows Authentication, then you must have a valid Autodesk Data Management Server account.
    • This option is not available for Autodesk Vault .
      Note: If Windows Authentication is turned on, the User Name field displays the domain name combined with the Windows user name. Neither the user name nor the password can be changed.
  6. Select the Automatically login next session check box to sign in automatically next time.
  7. Click OK.

Log Out of a Vault

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