After a folder has been selected as the data source, Autoloader scans the data to verify that all the file relationships resolve properly.
The files are scanned and a report is displayed in the Dependencies tab at the bottom of the screen indicating the files that contain unresolved references or are missing altogether. If any files fail to resolve, either open the file's parents in the associated CAD application and correct the problem or exclude the files and their parent files from being uploaded. You can fix the files without closing Autoloader and then re-scan any files that have been corrected. See the CAD application's help for more information on correcting missing references.
You can filter the list to show file types, based on your version of Autoloader.
Autoloader for Pro/ENGINEER
To filter the file list by file type, select a file type from the drop-down list.
To skip a file during the scanning process, turn off the corresponding check box. The unchecked files are skipped during that scan. The skipped files must be scanned later before you can progress through Autoloader.
To remove files from the list, select a file or files and then click Remove. You are prompted that the removed files may be added to the list again during the scanning process if they are related to other files that remain in the list. Click Yes to remove the selected files. Click No to keep the files in the list.
To view a file, right-click on a file and select Open from the context menu. The file will launch in the appropriate application. If the correct application cannot be found, you will be prompted to select one from the web or from the list of installed programs.
If a Find Duplicates process was previously run, click the drop-down arrow next to the Find Duplicates button and select Scan.
Click Export to save the results as an Excel file (.xls), as a comma separated values file (.csv), or an extensible markup language file (.xml). By default, the file is saved at the Data Analysis Report Folder location indicated. To change the location of the file, click Preferences and select a new location for the Scan Analysis Report Folder field. Use this list as a guide for correcting file issues, if necessary.