Define supports

Learn how to set a linear pinned support.

  1. Continue working in your project, or open the project Plate_Properties.rtd.
    Note: The Tutorial files are located in C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Examples\Tutorials.
  2. Click (Geometry Supports).

    The Supports dialog opens.

  3. Go to the Linear tab, double-click on Pinned support.
    The Support Definition dialog opens.
    Tip: You can use the Support Definition dialog to see the defined support properties, create supports, or modify existing ones.
  4. In the Rigid tab, ensure that Fixed directions UZ is selected.
  5. Click Close.
  6. In the Supports dialog, click inside the Current selection box, and then in the drawing area click on the edge labeled 1_Edge(1).

    The Object selection dialog opens.

    Tip: The name of the edge displays if you move the cursor over the selected edge. To display all the edge names, click View Display Panels/FE Numbers and labels of edges.
  7. Select the Edge(1) edge.
  8. Click OK.

    1_EDGE(1) appears in the Current selection box.

  9. Click Apply.
  10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 to select the 1_Edge(3) edge.
    Alternatively you can select the edges in two other ways:
    1. Method 1: In the drawing area select the edges without clicking in the Current selection box in the Support dialog.
    2. Method 2: Enter the name of the edges in the Current selection box: 1_Edge(1), 1_Edge(3), and then click Apply in the Supports dialog.
  11. Close the Supports dialog.
  12. Save the project as Plate_Supports.rtd.