Tutorials: Plate Design

In these tutorials, you learn how to model, analyze, and design a concrete plate with an opening.

This set of tutorials guides you through the complete process of Plate design in approximately 115 minutes, but you can also work on each tutorial independently.

In these tutorials, you complete the following tasks:

  1. Model a plate (set preferences, contour definition, properties definition, supports definition, mesh definition).
  2. Load case definition (self-weight and surface loads such as: uniform planar load, uniform planar load on contour, and linear load).
  3. Structure analysis and results (linear static analysis, display plate results on maps, and in tabular form).
  4. Calculations of the Required (Theoretical) Reinforcement Area (set the calculation options, display the maps of required reinforcement area, display the map of deflection, display results of required reinforcement in tabular form).
  5. Calculations of the Provided (Real) Reinforcement Area (set the calculation options, verify the deflection for the provided reinforcement, modify the provided reinforcement, verify the deflection of newly created reinforcement areas, display the final reinforcement and drawings).

Click here to start the first tutorial.