The 3ds Max interface provides container commands from the File menu, Command panel, Tools menu, floating toolbars, and Explorers.
Menu and toolbar commands are useful when working with more than one container. Commands for a single, selected container are activated from the Modify panel.
This topic summarizes each container command group in the interface.
File menu
Inserts a source container into your scene. The scene references the content from its source file.
Command panel
Rollouts provide controls for working with a selected container. For command descriptions, refer to Interface.
Container toolbar
Right-clicking an empty region of the main toolbar and choosing Containers opens the Containers toolbar, which has a number of commands for working with containers.
Menu bar
Provides commands that let you inherit containers and edit selected containers in your scene.
If you use the Alt menus, these commands appear on the Edit Menu Containers panel.
Container Explorer
The Container Explorer is a customized version of the Scene Explorer. It features a Container toolbar that lets you inherit containers and edit containers in your scene.
Right-clicking in the table view opens a context menu with the Containers submenu.
If the Container Explorer does not display in the Tools menu, do the following:
The Container Explorer now displays on the Tools menu.
Scene Explorer
Right-clicking in the table view opens a menu with a Containers submenu.
To display a
Container Explorer in a regular
Scene Explorer, go to the Scene Explorer menu bar and choose Customize Toolbars
Containers Preferences
This panel sets container preferences; in particular, you can use the Status and Update settings to improve performance.
This section describes the container commands available on the Modify panel. Many of these commands are duplicated in the
Scene Explorer and
Container Explorer toolbars and submenus, as well as the Tools menu Containers submenu.
The Manage Container rollout lets you open, close, inherit, save, and update containers in your scene. It also lets you convert a source container to a unique container.
Click Unload to save the Container and remove its contents from the scene.
Click Load to load the latest saved version of the Container into the scene and display its contents. The closed/open state before unloading is restored.
Click Close to save the container and prevent any edits or additions to its contents. (The container itself can still be selected, transformed, copied, and so on.)
When you close a container, its contents are saved to a MAXC file and are referenced by the scene, and it can be inherited into any scene as a source container. Closing a container can improve scene performance.
Click Open to edit container content. This option is not available for an inherited container if the Rules rollout was set to No Access when the container was saved.
This option eliminates the need to click Update to view an up-to-date version of the container.
When this checkbox is on and a layer name matches but its parents do not, 3ds Max creates a new, parentless layer that has the same name followed by a sequence number.
For example, suppose the source file has this arrangement:
Layer: Men Layer: Soldiers Soldier character objects
... and the local file has this arrangement:
Layer: Women Layer: Soldiers Soldier character objects
With Match Layers By Name And Parent off, the container's characters are placed on the
Soldiers layer. With Match Layers By Name And Parent
on, the container's characters are placed on a new layer, with no parent, named
This setting applies to the container when it is either Open or Closed, and it applies to all the content of the container, including nested containers.
Opening or closing a container unlocks or locks the container's layers.
If the inherited container has a local definition (that is, it was inherited with the rule Only Add New Objects or Anything Unlocked and then saved), updating it keeps any changes you’ve made to the local definition that are not part of the source definition, such as added objects.
The Update command does not apply to unique containers.
When an inherited container is selected, an icon next to the Upate button shows the source container status:
Editing an inherited container uses a temporary lock file. For details, see Locked Definitions.
The Local Content rollout lets you edit, refresh, and save containers opened and saved locally on your workstation.
This rollout is hidden if the container is closed or unloaded.
If you add an object that already belongs to a different container, you’re given the option to move the object from its current container to the new one, or cancel by clicking No.
You can add an object to which an XRef Scene is bound, but the binding is lost when you close the container.
Last, it is highly recommended that you not combine grouping actions with containers. That is, do not group a container with other objects, and do not add grouped objects to a container.
On the file dialog, you can use the “Save as type” drop-down list to save to the format of earlier versions of 3ds Max, back to "3ds Max 2013 Container Definition (*.maxc)".
The Rules rollout lets the author of the container specify the access level for those who inherit the container. The rules do not apply to local content.
When you edit a container in place, you have the same level of control over the container as its originator. You can change the rule, lock and unlock tracks, add and delete contents, and so on.
Use this option when passing content around various members of a development team to prevent accidental overwriting of other members’ work.
When you inherit a container with this option set, the container enters the scene in an open state. When you click Close or Save, you’re prompted for a file name. Use a name different from the source container to avoid overwriting it.
Doing so creates a local definition of the container, which stores local edits to the container as well as the reference to the source of the inherited content, which still updates.
When you inherit a container with this option set, the container enters the scene in an open state. When you click Close or Save, you’re prompted for a file name. Use a name different from the source container to avoid overwriting it, thus creating a local definition. While any user has this local definition open, the container is locked so that other users cannot overwrite it.
Subsequent changes to this container, when inherited, are saved in the local version, but not transferred back to the source container. However, changes in the source can still be inherited by updating, with a caveat (see Note, following).
The “global” lock toggles described following lock the chosen attributes in the definition file upon save, but not the current scene. You can use any combination of:
You can also lock and unlock animation layers.
The Proxies feature lets you temporarily substitute a container file on disk for the selected container. For example, a proxy container can use low-resolution versions of the objects in the original container to free up memory and speed rendering while setting up a scene. Use this feature as an alternative to Unload when you need to reduce scene complexity while still being able to see where objects are in the scene.
You can specify any number of proxies for a container and then use the Definition File drop-down list to swap the different proxies quickly in and out of the scene to control the overall scene complexity. Or simply choose No Proxy to restore the original container.
If you choose Definition File with no proxies defined, a file dialog opens so that you can choose a proxy file. Thereafter the name of the proxy file appears in the text box and the file replaces the original container in the scene.
On the dialog, use the Add and Remove buttons to change the contents of the list.
The Inherited Content rollout identifies the path and name of the currently selected source container definition, the file that you inherit the content from, and lets you merge its contents into your scene.
This rollout is hidden if the container was created locally.
The Container group lets you set the display properties of the Container helper in your viewports.
To override some of these settings globally, use Display Status in Viewports.
If the container display properties are controlled by layer, only objects in a container which are part of other layers will obey the container layer.