osnap (AutoLISP)

Returns a 3D point that is the result of applying an Object Snap mode to a specified point

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac OS


(osnap pt mode)

Type: List

A point.


Type: String

One or more valid Object Snap identifiers, such as mid, cen, and so on, separated by commas.

Return Values

Type: List or nil

A point; otherwise nil, if the pick did not return an object (for example, if there is no geometry under the pick aperture, or if the geometry is not applicable to the selected object snap mode). The point returned by osnap depends on the current 3D view, the AutoCAD entity around pt, and the setting of the AutoCAD APERTURE system variable.


Starting with AutoCAD 2016-based products, the qui mode is no longer valid. Using the qui mode results in a value of nil to be returned, even if other modes are specified.


(setq pt1 (getpoint))
(11.8637 3.28269 0.0)

(setq pt2 (osnap pt1 "_end,_int"))
(12.1424 3.42181 0.0)