repeat (AutoLISP)

Evaluates each expression a specified number of times, and returns the value of the last expression

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac OS


(repeat int [expr ...])

Type: Integer

A numeric value. Must be a positive number.


Type: Integer, Real, String, List, Symbol, File, Ename (entity name), T, or nil

One or more atoms or expressions.

Return Values

Type: Integer, Real, String, List, Symbol, File, Ename (entity name), T, or nil

The value of the last expression or atom evaluated. If expr is not supplied, repeat returns nil.


(setq a 10 b 100)

(repeat 4 (setq a (+ a 10)) (setq b (+ b 100)))

After evaluation, a is 50, b is 500, and repeat returns 500.

If strings are supplied as arguments, repeat returns the last string:

(repeat 100 "Me" "You")