*push-error-using-command* (AutoLISP)

Error-handling function that indicates the use of the command function within a custom *error* handler

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac OS



No arguments.

Return Values

Type: T

A value of T is returned.


A call to *push-error-using-command* should be made after you define a custom *error* handler function that contains the use of the command function.

When using *push-error-using-command*, you are limited to accessing only global variables and none of the local variables defined within the function where the error occurred from your custom *error* handler. If access to the local variables is required, replace any instances of the command function with command-s function and call *push-error-using-stack* instead.

Note: This function cannot be used when the command function is used within the local custom *error* handler.


The following example demonstrates the use of the *push-error-using-command* function.

(defun my_err (err_msg)
    (if (/= err_msg "Function cancelled")
      (prompt (strcat "\nError: " err_msg))
    (command "._undo" "_e")
    (command "._U")
    (setq *error* olderr)

(defun myUtil (key / )
    (setq olderr *error*
              *error* my_err)
    (*push-error-using-command*)         ; Indicate use of Command function instead of Command-s
                                         ; in the custom error handler

    (command "._undo" "_group")          ; The following will not be executed in this sample, but is good 
                                         ; framework for setting up your own error handlers
    (/ 1 0)                              ; Call a function with incorrect values to trigger the custom error handler
                                         ; Remove when setting up your code
    ;; Perform your tasks here

    (command "._undo" "_e")
    (setq *error* olderr)                ; Restore old *error* handler
    (*pop-error-mode*)                   ; End the use of *push-error-using-command*

After loading the sample code, enter (myutil “String”) at the Command prompt to enter the error handler.