Configuring VS Code (AutoLISP/VS Code)

Before you start editing and debugging AutoLISP source (LSP) files, you will want to configure the AutoCAD AutoLISP Extension.

When configuring the AutoCAD AutoLISP Extension, you can specify values for these settings:

All settings except those related to debugging LSP files have default values. The settings related to debugging are used to define debug configurations that allow VS Code and AutoCAD to communicate with each other. The AutoCAD AutoLISP Extension supports these two debug configurations:

It is recommended to use the attachlisp debug configuration when possible, this will save time from having to wait for AutoCAD to launch each time you want to debug an LSP file. For information on setting up debug related settings, see To Setup the AutoCAD AutoLISP Extension for Debug.

Note: The AutoCAD AutoLISP Extension no longer requires you to open a folder before you can edit or debug your custom LSP files. With the latest version, AutoLISP project (PRJ) files are recommended to organize and access LSP files for edit and debug configurations are now stored with the extension rather than a launch.json file that previously needed to be defined in each folder opened in VS Code prior to debugging LSP files.