可以使用批处理文件将保存在 AutoCAD Architecture 2022 toolset的早期版本中的图形文件自动重新保存到当前版本。
运行该批处理文件可以制作包含早期版本图形的项目或文件夹的完整副本。然后,它将递归搜索包含在此位置中的所有 DWG、DWT 和 DWS 文件并生成脚本文件。
运行该脚本文件将打开、保存和关闭每个复制的 DWG 和 DWT 文件。这会导致将所有的 DWG 和 DWT 文件重新保存到当前版本。
该脚本将显示 DWS 文件的路径;您必须手动打开 DWS 文件并将其保存到当前版本。
promote.bat [projectName] [projectLocation] [scriptName] [promotionTarget] Replace [projectName] with the name of the original folder containing the drawings to be imported to the current version. Replace [projectLocation] with the path to the original folder entered as [projectName]. Replace [scriptName] with the name of the script that will be generated. The root of the file name can be customized but the file extension must always be .scr. Replace [promotionTarget] with a path and folder name of the location where the imported drawings must be copied.
promote.bat Hospital R:\CAD_Files\Projects\2010\ promote.scr R:\CAD_Files\Projects\2014
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off SETLOCAL @rem promote.bat @rem This script promotes a project to the current DWG format. :Greeting echo. echo This script promotes a project to the current DWG format. echo For best results, please run this script using administrator privileges in Windows. echo. PAUSE :checkCmdArgs if [%4] EQU [] goto :badArgCount if [%3] EQU [] goto :badArgCount if [%2] EQU [] goto :badArgCount if [%1] EQU [] goto :badArgCount if [%5] NEQ [] goto :badArgCount set prjName=%1 set prjDir=%2 set scrName=%3 set targetDir=%4 goto :checkProject :getProject set /P prjName="What is the name of the project?: " set /P prjDir="Where can it be found?: " goto :checkProject :checkProject set prjNameEsc=%prjName:&=^&% set firstChar=%prjName:~0,1% if ^%firstChar% EQU ^" set prjName=%prjNameEsc:~1,-1% set prjNameDisplay=%prjName:&=^^^&% set prjDirEsc=%prjDir:&=^&% set firstChar=%prjDir:~0,1% if ^%firstChar% EQU ^" set prjDir=%prjDirEsc:~1,-1% set prjDirDisplay=%prjDir:&=^^^&% set project="%prjDir%\%prjName%" if not exist %project% goto :noProject if not defined scrName (goto :getScript) else (goto :checkScript) :getScript set /P scrName="Specify a name for the ACAD script: " goto :checkScript :checkScript set scrNameEsc=%scrName:&=^&% set firstChar=%scrName:~0,1% if ^%firstChar% EQU ^" set scrName=%scrNameEsc:~1,-1% set scrExt=%scrName:~-4% if /I "%scrExt%" NEQ ".scr" set scrName=%scrName%.scr set scrNameDisplay=%scrName:&=^^^&% if exist "%scrName%" goto :scrFound if not defined targetDir (goto :getTarget) else (goto :checkTarget) :getTarget set /P targetDir="Specify a directory to host the promoted project: " goto :checkTarget :checkTarget set targetDirEsc=%targetDir:&=^&% set firstChar=%targetDir:~0,1% if ^%firstChar% EQU ^" set targetDir=%targetDirEsc:~1,-1% set targetDirDisplay=%targetDir:&=^^^&% set prjDest="%targetDir%\%prjName%" if not exist "%targetDir%" ( md "%targetDir%" echo. echo Created target directory %targetDirDisplay% goto :copyProject ) else ( if exist %prjDest% (goto :targetFound) else (goto :copyProject) ) ENDLOCAL exit /B :badArgCount echo. echo This utility can be run as a single command with the following syntax: echo. echo promote.bat [projectName] [projectLocation] [scriptName] [promotionTarget]. echo. goto :getProject :noProject echo. echo You have specified a project %prjNameDisplay% in the directory %prjDirDisplay%. echo This could not be found. Please try again. echo. goto :getProject :badScrExt echo. echo Your Autocad script must have the extension ".scr" and you specified %scrNameDisplay%. echo Please try again. echo. goto :getScript :scrFound echo. echo An Autocad script with the name %scrNameDisplay% is already present in the working directory. echo Delete this script or specify a different script name. echo. goto :getScript :targetFound echo. echo A project with name %prjNameDisplay% was found in the target area %targetDirDisplay%. echo Delete this project or specify another target area. echo. goto :getTarget :copyProject echo. CLS echo Copying project %prjNameDisplay%... xcopy %project% %prjDest% /E /I /Q /H attrib -A -R %prjDest% /D /S echo Copied project %prjNameDisplay% to %prjDest%. echo. goto :genScript :genScript echo. set count=0 @for /R %prjDest% %%i in (*.dwg) do ( set /a count+=1 echo _open "%%i">>"%scrName%" echo _qsave>>"%scrName%" echo _close>>"%scrName%" ) echo Found %count% DWG files to be updated in the project %prjNameDisplay%. set /a totalFiles=%count% set count=0 @for /R %prjDest% %%i in (*.dwt) do ( set /a count+=1 echo _open "%%i">>"%scrName%" echo _qsave>>"%scrName%" echo _close>>"%scrName%" ) echo Found %count% DWT files to be updated in the project %prjNameDisplay%. echo. set /a totalFiles=%totalFiles%+%count% if %totalFiles% == 0 ( echo. echo No DWG or DWT files were found in the project %prjName%! echo There is nothing to promote. echo. echo Deleting the copy of %prjName% from %targetDir%. echo The directory %targetDir% has been retained in case other folders or files are present. echo. RMDIR /Q/S %prjDest% ) else ( echo. echo TO COMPLETE THE PROMOTION: echo. echo [1] Start ADT and make sure that a project is NOT currently active. echo [2] Disable the previous version courtesy dialog using the AecFileOpenMessage command. echo [3] Verify that the copy of the project located at %targetDirDisplay% has the same echo file count as the original copy located at %prjDirDisplay%. echo [4] Run the script %scrNameDisplay%. @for /R %prjDest% %%i in (*.dws) do ( set /a foundDWS=1 goto :break ) :break if DEFINED foundDWS ( echo [5] Resave the following DWS file^(s^), making sure to preserve filenames. echo ^(These cannot be promoted via a script as DWT and DWG files can.^) echo. @for /R %prjDest% %%i in (*.dws) do ( echo %%i ) ) echo. echo. echo The project %prjNameDisplay% located in %targetDirDisplay% will then be promoted echo to the current file format. echo. echo After this process is complete you may use this project echo where it currently resides, or replace the old one with this new copy. echo. ) ENDLOCAL exit /B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------