C++ API Reference
// Copyright (C) 2002-2004 NVIDIA
// File: pluginMain.cpp
// Author: Jim Atkinson
// Changes:
// 10/2003 Kurt Harriman - www.octopusgraphics.com +1-415-893-1023
// - "-pluginPath/pp" flag of cgfxShader command returns the
// full path of the "cgfxShader" subdirectory beneath the
// directory from which the plug-in binary was loaded.
// Supporting files such as MEL scripts can be loaded from
// this directory to avoid inadvertently picking up wrong
// versions from random directories on the search path.
// - The plug-in executes the cgfxShader_initUI.mel script
// from this directory at the time the plug-in is loaded.
// - The MEL command `pluginInfo -q -version cgfxShader`
// returns the plug-in version and cgfxShaderNode.cpp
// compile date.
// 11/2003 Kurt Harriman - www.octopusgraphics.com +1-415-893-1023
// - To load or reload a CgFX file, use the cgfxShader command
// "-fx/fxFile <filename>" flag. Setting the cgfxShader
// node's "s/shader" attribute no longer loads the file.
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
// CgFx Shader (Windows-only)
// The plug-in is named "cgfxShader.mll". It defines one node named "cgfxShader" and
// one command, which is also named "cgfxShader". The command is used to manipulate the node.
// This is very similar to the expression command and node.
// The "cgfxShader" node is a hardware shader (derived from MPxHwShaderNode).
// By default, the shader or "s" attribute is the only thing visible on a "cgfxShader" node.
// You can set this attribute to the name of a .fx file and many interesting effects can occur.
// A .fx file holds CgFX effect definitions. This effect completely controls how the drawing is done.
// Therefore, if you load a different .fx file, you get a completely different effect on the screen.
// In theory, the "cgfxShader" node can do anything that any other hardware shader node can do.
// Along with the effect, the CgFX file provides a set of parameters that can be modified to change
// the effect in controlled ways. For example, a glow effect might allow you to set the color, intensity,
// and size of the glow. A bumpy, shiny effect might allow you to change the bump texture map.
// All of these parameters are exposed as dynamic attributes on the shader node.
// If the effect has a "glowColor" parameter, the "cgfxShader" node will have a dynamic color attribute
// named "glowColor". Changes to the attribute affect the parameter.
// You can specify the .fx file using the Attribute Editor or "cgfxShader" command. All the dynamic attributes
// that no longer apply are removed and all the attributes that are needed by the new effect are added.
// You can see all the changes in the Attribute Editor.
// The syntax of the command is:
// cgfxShader [-e] [-fx fileName] [-n name] [nodeName]
// -e
// Edit an existing shader. If -e is not specified, a new "cgfxShader" node is created.
// -fx filename
// Set the .fx file for the "cgfxShader" node.
// -n name
// Sets the name of the shader node to create (create only).
// nodeName
// The name of the node to edit. You do not need to specify this if the shader node is currently selected.
// The easiest way to use the shaders is through the Hypershade window. Load the plug-in before opening the
// HyperShade window and then select Create > Material > Cgfx Shader.
// You can then simply drag the material onto a shape to assign it.
// Please note that the legacy viewport implementation is provided for backwards compatibility only. It uses
// deprecated Maya API methods and should not be used as an example for implementing custom new
// MPxHwShaderNode plugins.
#include "cgfxShaderCommon.h"
#include "cgfxShaderNode.h"
#include "cgfxProfile.h"
#include "cgfxShaderCmd.h"
#include "cgfxTextureCache.h"
#include "cgfxVector.h"
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MSceneMessage.h>
#include <maya/MNodeMessage.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MFileIO.h>
#include <maya/MItDependencyNodes.h>
#include <maya/MDGMessage.h>
#include <maya/MHWShaderSwatchGenerator.h>
#include <maya/MHardwareRenderer.h>
#include <maya/MViewport2Renderer.h>
// viewport 2.0
#include <maya/MDrawRegistry.h>
// callbackIds is an array of callback identifiers which need to be
// cancelled when the plug-in is unloaded.
static MCallbackIdArray callbackIdArray;
static void cgfxShaderFileSaveCB(void* clientData );
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
// Description:
// this method is called when the plug-in is loaded into Maya. It
// registers all of the services that this plug-in provides with
// Maya.
// Arguments:
// obj - a handle to the plug-in object (use MFnPlugin to access it)
MString sVer = cgfxShaderNode::getPluginVersion();
// Allow an environment variable to override usage of swatch rendering.
// Set the environment variable to a value other than 0 for it to take effect.
const char *cgfxEnvVar = getenv("CGFX_SWATCH_RENDERING");
MString UserClassify = MString( "shader/surface/utility:drawdb/shader/surface/cgfxShader" );
// Don't initialize swatches in batch mode
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!cgfxEnvVar)
UserClassify = MString( "shader/surface/utility/:drawdb/shader/surface/cgfxShader:swatch/"+swatchName );
if ( 0 != strcmp(cgfxEnvVar,"0") )
UserClassify = MString( "shader/surface/utility/:drawdb/shader/surface/cgfxShader:swatch/"+swatchName );
if ( cgfxEnvVar && ( 0 != strcmp(cgfxEnvVar,"0") ) )
UserClassify = MString( "shader/surface/utility/:drawdb/shader/surface/cgfxShader:swatch/"+swatchName );
const MString UserClassify( "shader/surface/utility:drawdb/shader/surface/cgfxShader" );
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, "NVIDIA", sVer.asChar(), MApiVersion );
// Register/initialize localized string resources
CHECK_MSTATUS( plugin.registerUIStrings(NULL,
"cgfxShaderPluginInitStrings" ));
// The following code is only used on Maya versions 7.0 and
// later.
// Deprecated Methods: MHardwareRenderer::theRenderer(), pRenderer->backEndString()
if (pRenderer) {
const MString & backEndStr = pRenderer->backEndString();
unsigned int width = 64, height = 64;
status = pRenderer->makeSwatchContextCurrent( backEndStr,
height );
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) {
MGlobal::displayError(MString("Unqualified video card : Offscreen contexts not supported. CgFx plugin will not be loaded."));
#error "CgFx requires the Maya version 7 or greater"
// Create Cg Context & register the Cg error callback
cgfxShaderNode::sCgContext = cgCreateContext();
cgSetErrorHandler(cgfxShaderNode::cgErrorHandler, 0);
cgGLSetManageTextureParameters(cgfxShaderNode::sCgContext, CG_TRUE);
cgSetAutoCompile(cgfxShaderNode::sCgContext, CG_COMPILE_LAZY);
if (cgfxProfile::getBestProfile() == NULL) {
MString("No supported Cg profiles were found. CgFx plugin will not be loaded.")
// display banner
s += sVer;
CHECK_MSTATUS( plugin.registerNode("cgfxShader",
CHECK_MSTATUS( plugin.registerNode("cgfxVector",
CHECK_MSTATUS( plugin.registerCommand("cgfxShader",
// Register a shader override for this node
// Where are my MEL scripts?
cgfxShaderCmd::sPluginPath = plugin.loadPath();
// Run MEL script for user interface initialization.
MString sCmd = "evalDeferred \"source \\\"cgfxShader_initUI.mel\\\"\"";
// Skip the status checking on the addCallback calls since the only
// way that they can really fail is if Maya is out of memory and then
// everything is going to fall apart anyway.
// call backs for "source directory" removal...
cgfxShaderFileSaveCB, NULL, &status);
cgfxShaderFileSaveCB, NULL, &status);
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
// Description:
// this method is called when the plug-in is unloaded from Maya. It
// deregisters all of the services that it was providing.
// Arguments:
// obj - a handle to the plug-in object (use MFnPlugin to access it)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
// Remove all the callbacks that we registered.
// Deregister our node types.
CHECK_MSTATUS(plugin.deregisterNode( cgfxShaderNode::sId ));
CHECK_MSTATUS(plugin.deregisterNode( cgfxVector::sId ));
// Deregister our commands.
CHECK_MSTATUS(plugin.deregisterCommand( "cgfxShader" ));
// Deregister the override
cgfxShaderOverride::drawDbClassification, cgfxShaderOverride::drawRegistrantId));
static void cgfxShaderFileSaveCB(void* clientData )
// Look through the scene for cgfxShader nodes whose effect is NULL
// but whose shader attribute is not empty.
MStatus status;
MString workspace;
status = MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("workspace -q -rd;"),
if (!status)
MObject oNode = nodeIt.thisNode();
MFnDependencyNode fnNode(oNode);
if (fnNode.typeId() == cgfxShaderNode::sId)
// We've got a winner.
cgfxShaderNode* pNode = (cgfxShaderNode*)fnNode.userNode();
MString ShaderFxFile = pNode->shaderFxFile();
if (strncmp(ShaderFxFile.asChar(),workspace.asChar(),workspace.length()) == 0)
ShaderFxFile = ShaderFxFile.substring(workspace.length(),ShaderFxFile.length() - 1);
MPlug plShader = fnNode.findPlug( pNode->sShader, true );
plShader.setValue( ShaderFxFile );
OutputDebugString("CGFX shader pathname saved as: ");
if( pNode->getTexturesByName())
cgfxAttrDefList::iterator it(pNode->attrDefList());
while (it)
cgfxAttrDef* aDef = (*it);
MObject oNode = pNode->thisMObject();
switch (aDef->fType)
case cgfxAttrDef::kAttrTypeColor1DTexture:
case cgfxAttrDef::kAttrTypeColor2DTexture:
case cgfxAttrDef::kAttrTypeColor3DTexture:
case cgfxAttrDef::kAttrTypeColor2DRectTexture:
case cgfxAttrDef::kAttrTypeNormalTexture:
case cgfxAttrDef::kAttrTypeBumpTexture:
case cgfxAttrDef::kAttrTypeCubeTexture:
case cgfxAttrDef::kAttrTypeEnvTexture:
case cgfxAttrDef::kAttrTypeNormalizationTexture:
MString pathname;
aDef->getValue(oNode, pathname);
if (strncmp(pathname.asChar(),workspace.asChar(),workspace.length()) == 0)
pathname = pathname.substring(workspace.length(),pathname.length());
aDef->setValue(oNode, pathname);
OutputDebugString("CGFX texture pathname saved as: ");