►Nadsk | |
►NData | |
►NAccessorMaya | Utility functions to read metadata from Maya files |
►CAccessor | Class used to read and write metadata from/to an existing file |
CStructureNameLessThan | Functor for Structure ordering in a std::set |
CAccessorFactory | Calls the specified Accessor type's default constructor |
CAccessorFactoryBase | Base class for Accessor factories |
CAssociations | Class handling associations between internal and external data |
CAssociationsIterator | Class handling iteration over Channels in an Associations object |
CAssociationsSerializer | Class handling the definition of the format for serialization of adsk::Data::Associations |
CAttach | Helper class to manage attachment of metadata to other class objects |
CAttachDirectly | Helper class to provide a simple implementation the the adsk::Data::Attach interface |
CChannel | Class handling a named association of a data array with other data |
CChannelIterator | Class handling iteration over Streams in a Channel object |
CChannelSerializer | Class handling the definition of the format for serialization of data Channels |
CCRTP_IndexType | This CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern) class implements some shared methods which all derived classes can use, and for whom the implementations use the same pattern |
CHandle | Class handling access to specific data members of a structured type |
CIndex | Lightweight class handling index values |
CIndexPair | Index type which uses a pair of IndexCount values for the index mapping |
CIndexString | Index type which uses a String for the index mapping |
►CIndexType | Complex index type for referencing metadata |
CIndexRegistration | Helper class to automatically register new index types |
CSerializerInitializer | Helper : Instantiate to automatically (de)register a serializaton format Requires that the template parameter class has implemented the registerFormat() and deregisterFormat() methods |
CStream | Class handling a list of generic data |
CStreamIterator | Class handling iteration over Stream members |
CStreamSerializer | Class handling the definition of the format for serialization of data streams |
CStructure | Class handling the definition of the structure of a piece of data |
CStructureIterator | Helper class for iterating over structure members |
CStructureIteratorImpl | Helper class to contain the implementation-specific information |
CStructureSerializer | Class handling the definition of the format for serialization of data structures |
CStructureSerializerDebug | Class handling the data structure format type "Debug" |
►NDebug | |
CCount | Class implementing debug object counting operation |
CCRTP_Debug | This template defines virtual methods for calling the statically defined Debug methods within a hierarchy |
CFootprint | Class implementing the gathering of data footprint information |
CPrint | Class implementing debug printing operation |
CCheckpointed | Class implementing ability to keep track of when objects are changed |
CRefCounted | Class implementing standard reference counting |
►Ndetails | The details namespace contains classes which are not meant to be used independently as a part of the Maya API |
CControlBlock | Holds a pointer to a managed object and the number of references |
CDefaultDeleter | Functor which can safely delete objects of type U |
CObjectAndControlBlock | Control block which holds an object whose lifetime is managed by an MSharedPtr |
CPtrAndControlBlock | Control block which holds a functor that can delete objects of type U, which are managed by *this control block |
CSharedPtrBase | Base class for MSharedPtr |
►NMHWRender | |
CMAttributeParameterMapping | Class for defining relationship between Maya attributes and fragment parameters |
CMAttributeParameterMappingList | A list of MAttributeParameterMapping objects |
CMBlendState | Container class for an acquired GPU blend state |
CMBlendStateDesc | Descriptor for a complete blend state |
CMCameraOverride | Camera override description |
CMClearOperation | Class which defines the operation of clearing render target channels |
CMComponentDataIndexing | Class for storing index mapping when vertices are shared |
CMComponentDataIndexingList | A list of MIndexBufferDescriptor objects |
CMDepthNormalizationDescription | Information required to perform normalization of values stored in the depth buffer of an MImage with respect to clipping plane range |
CMDepthStencilState | Container class for an acquired complete GPU depth stencil state |
CMDepthStencilStateDesc | Descriptor for a complete depth-stencil state |
CMDrawContext | Class to allow access to hardware draw context information |
CMDrawRegistry | Access the registry associating node types with custom implementations |
CMFragmentManager | Provides facilities for managing fragments for use with Viewport 2.0 |
►CMFrameContext | This class contains some global information for the current render frame |
CBackgroundParams | Background parameters |
CDOFParams | Depth-of-field parameters |
CEnvironmentParams | Struct for environment map parameters |
CHwFogParams | Struct for hardware fog parameters |
CRenderOverrideInformation | Render override information |
CMGeometry | Class for working with geometric structures used to draw objects |
CMGeometryExtractor | Class for extracting renderable geometry |
CMGeometryIndexMapping | A mapping of geometry index |
CMGeometryRequirements | Geometry requirements |
CMGeometryUtilities | Utilities for Viewport 2.0 |
CMHUDRender | Class which defines rendering the 2D heads-up-display |
CMIndexBuffer | Index buffer for use with MGeometry |
CMIndexBufferDescriptor | MIndexBufferDescriptor describes an indexing scheme |
CMIndexBufferDescriptorList | A list of MIndexBufferDescriptor objects |
CMIntersection | Describes the intersection of a selection hit |
CMLightParameterInformation | A class for providing lighting information that may be used with Viewport 2.0 |
CMPassContext | Class to allow access to pass context information |
CMPresentTarget | Class which defines the operation of presenting a target for final output |
CMPxComponentConverter | Base class for user defined component converter |
CMPxDrawOverride | Base class for user defined drawing of nodes |
CMPxGeometryOverride | Base for user-defined classes to prepare geometry for drawing |
CMPxImagePlaneOverride | Base class for user defined image plane draw overrides |
CMPxIndexBufferMutator | Base class for user defined index buffer mutators |
CMPxPrimitiveGenerator | Base class for user defined primitive generators |
►CMPxShaderOverride | Base class for user defined shading effect draw overrides |
CMInitContext | Initialization context used by advanced initalization method |
CMInitFeedback | Data to pass back to Maya after initialization |
CMPxShadingNodeOverride | Base class for user defined shading node overrides |
CMPxSubSceneOverride | Base class for Viewport 2.0 drawing of DAG nodes which represent sub-scenes |
CMPxSurfaceShadingNodeOverride | Base class for user defined surface shading node overrides |
CMPxVertexBufferGenerator | Base class for user defined vertex buffer generators |
CMPxVertexBufferMutator | Base class for user defined vertex buffer generators |
►CMPxViewportComputeItem | Virtual base class for user viewport compute |
CActions | A bitmask storing a set of actions |
CMQuadRender | Class which defines a 2d geometry quad render |
CMRasterizerState | Container class for an acquired complete GPU rasterizer state |
CMRasterizerStateDesc | Descriptor for a complete rasterizer state |
CMRenderer | Main interface class to the Viewport 2.0 renderer |
CMRenderItem | A single renderable entity |
CMRenderItemList | A list of MRenderItem objects |
CMRenderOperation | Class which defines a rendering operation |
CMRenderOperationList | Base class for holding a list of MRenderOperations |
CMRenderOverride | Base class for defining a rendering override |
CMRenderParameters | Class which defines a set of render parameters |
CMRenderScriptCallback | Class which defines a callback that can be executed from a script fragment |
CMRenderTarget | An instance of a render target that may be used with Viewport 2.0 |
CMRenderTargetAssignment | Structure to hold the information required to set a texture parameter on a shader using a render target as input |
CMRenderTargetDescription | Class which provides a description of a hardware render target The name is the unique identifier for a render target |
CMRenderTargetManager | Provides access to MRenderTarget objects for use in Viewport 2.0 |
CMRenderUtilities | Utilities for Viewport 2.0 |
CMSamplerState | Container class for an acquired complete GPU sampler state |
CMSamplerStateDesc | Descriptor for a complete sampler state |
CMSceneRender | Class which defines a scene render |
CMSelectionContext | Class to allow control on Viewport 2.0 selection behavior |
CMSelectionInfo | Class to allow access to the selection state information |
CMShaderCompileMacro | Structure to define a shader compiler macro |
CMShaderInstance | An instance of a shader that may be used with Viewport 2.0 |
CMShaderManager | Provides access to MShaderInstance objects for use in Viewport 2.0 |
CMStateManager | Class to allow efficient access to GPU state information |
CMStencilOpDesc | Descriptor for a depth-stencil operation |
CMSubSceneContainer | Container for render items generated by MPxSubSceneOverride |
CMTargetBlendDesc | Descriptor for a blend state for a single render target |
CMTexture | Class which includes texture data |
CMTextureArguments | Class which includes texture arguments |
CMTextureAssignment | Structure to hold the information required to set a texture parameter on a shader using a texture as input |
CMTextureDescription | Texture description |
CMTextureManager | Class which manages texture |
CMTextureUpdateRegion | Structure to represent an update region for a texture |
CMUIDrawManager | Main interface for drawing basic UI drawables in Viewport 2.0 and Hardware Renderer 2.0 |
CMUserRenderOperation | Class which defines a user defined rendering operation |
CMVertexBuffer | Vertex buffer for use with MGeometry |
CMVertexBufferArray | Array of Vertex buffers |
CMVertexBufferDescriptor | Describes properties of a vertex buffer |
CMVertexBufferDescriptorList | A list of MVertexBufferDescriptor objects |
CM3dView | A 3-D view |
CMAddRemoveAttrEdit | Class for describing edits involving attributes which are added or removed |
CMAngle | Manipulate Angular Data |
CMAnimControl | Control over animation playback and values |
CMAnimCurveChange | Anim Curve Change Cache |
CMAnimCurveClipboard | Control over the animation clipboard |
CMAnimCurveClipboardItem | Wrapper for a clipboard item |
CMAnimCurveClipboardItemArray | Array of MAnimCurveClipboardItem data type |
CMAnimMessage | Animation messages |
CMAnimUtil | Static class providing common animation helper methods |
CMArgDatabase | Command argument list parser |
CMArgList | Create and retrieve argument lists |
CMArgParser | Command argument list parser |
CMArrayDataBuilder | Array builder for arrays in data blocks |
CMArrayDataHandle | Data block handle for array data |
CMaterialInputData | Phong shading parameters for an MPxMaterialInformation instance |
CMAtomic | Methods for atomic operations |
CMAttributeIndex | The index information for an attribute specification |
CMAttributePattern | The pattern of an attribute tree that can be applied to nodes or node classes |
CMAttributePatternArray | Indexable Array of attribute patterns |
CMAttributeSpec | An attribute specification |
CMAttributeSpecArray | An attribute specification array |
CMAutoCLEvent | AutoPtr for cl_event objects |
CMAutoCLKernel | Auto pointer for cl_kernel objects |
CMAutoCLMem | Auto pointer for cl_mem objects |
CMBoundingBox | Implementation of a 3D bounding box |
CMBufferIdentifier | Identifier for weight buffer |
CMCacheConfigRuleRegistry | Class for configuring the caching rules |
CMCacheFormatDescription | Cache format description |
CMCacheSchema | Defines a node's cached data when participant EM Cached Playback Can be used to query or modify the attributes being cached |
CMCacheSchemaAttributesIterator | Iterator object of MCacheSchema |
CMCacheSchemaAttributesIteratorSentinel | Empty shell sentinel denoting the end of the range |
CMCacheSchemaAttributesRange | Range view of an MCacheSchema object |
CMCallbackIdArray | Array of MCallbackId data type |
CMCameraMessage | Dependency node messages |
CMCameraSetMessage | CameraSet messages |
CMCharBuffer | Memory buffer utility class |
CMClosedTimeInterval | Mathematic type that represent a set of time [min, max], i.e |
CMColor | A color math class |
CMColorArray | Array of MColor data type |
CMColorManagementNodes | Utilities for manipulating color manageable nodes |
►CMColorManagementUtilities | Utilities for obtaining color management information |
CMColorTransformData | Utility class that retrieves the opaque data containing the color transform information needed to render the scene |
CMColorPickerCallback | Helper class for the color picking mechanism |
CMColorPickerUtilities | Utilities for the Color Picker |
CMCommandMessage | Helper class to handle MEL output |
CMCommandResult | Result returned from executing a command |
CMCommonRenderSettingsData | Data container for common rendering settings |
CMCommonSystemUtils | OS functionality |
CMComputation | Interupt monitor for long computations |
CMConditionMessage | Condition change messages |
CMConnectDisconnectAttrEdit | Class for describing connection and disconnection edits |
CMContainerMessage | Container-related messages |
CMCursor | Manipulate Cursors |
CMCurveAttribute | Create and manipulate curve attributes |
CMCustomEvaluatorClusterNode | Scheduling cluster representing a self-contained cluster of work |
CMD3D9Renderer | MD3D9Renderer is a wrapper class to provide access to Maya's DirectX resources |
CMDAGDrawOverrideInfo | A data structure to store the per path draw override information |
CMDagMessage | DAG messages |
CMDagModifier | Dependency graph modifier |
CMDagPath | DAG Path |
CMDagPathArray | Indexable Array of DAG Paths |
CMDataBlock | Dependency node data block |
CMDataHandle | Data handle for information contained in a data block |
CMDeviceChannel | Input device channel |
CMDeviceState | Input device state |
CMDGContext | Dependency graph (DG) context class |
CMDGContextGuard | Scope object used to modify current evaluation context in a code block |
CMDGMessage | Dependency graph messages |
CMDGModifier | Dependency graph modifier |
CMDistance | Manipulate Linear Data |
CMDoubleArray | Array of doubles data type |
CMDrawData | Holds geometry specific information for user defined shapes which maya does not intrinsicly know about |
CMDrawInfo | This class is used by the getDrawRequests method of MPxSurfaceShapeUI to specify the current object drawing state for a user defined shape |
CMDrawProcedureBase | This class provides an interface through which a plug-in can be writen to implement a class to provide custom hardware drawing effects |
CMDrawRequest | This class encapsulates all the information needed to fulfill a request to draw an object or part of an object |
CMDrawRequestQueue | This class defines a simple interface for a collection of MDrawRequest objects |
CMDrawTraversal | MDrawTraversal is a utility class for interactive drawing |
CMDynamicsUtil | Utility class for Maya dynamics |
CMDynSweptLine | Class for evaluating curve segments as lines over time |
CMDynSweptTriangle | Class for evaluating surfaces as triangles over time |
CMEdit | Base class for representing information about edits |
CMEulerRotation | Euler Rotation Math |
CMEvaluationGraph | Evaluation graph object |
CMEvaluationManager | Class for working with Maya's Evaluation Manager |
CMEvaluationNode | Provides access to Evaluation Manager node information |
CMEvaluationNodeIterator | Provides access to the Evaluation Manager node dirty plug list |
CMEvent | System event information |
CMEventMessage | Event messages |
CMExternalContentInfoTable | This is a table of all the external content for a given MPxNode |
CMExternalContentLocationTable | This is a table of the all the external content locations for a given MPxNode |
CMExternalDropCallback | Provides a callback hook into Maya's drag-and-drop mechanism |
CMExternalDropData | Drag-and-drop data, used with MExternalDropCallback |
CMFalloffContext | Falloff context use in a falloff function to get/set information for weight computation |
►CMFalloffFunction | Base class falloff function |
CReturnValue | Return Value data type for a falloff function |
CMFcurveEdit | Class for describing fcurve edits |
CMFeedbackLine | Feedback line |
CMFileIO | I/O operations on scene files |
CMFileObject | Manipulate filenames and search paths |
CMFloatArray | Array of floats data type |
CMFloatMatrix | A matrix math class for 4x4 matrices of floats |
CMFloatPoint | Implementation of a point |
CMFloatPointArray | Array of MFloatPoint data type |
CMFloatVector | A vector math class for vectors of floats |
CMFloatVectorArray | Array of MFloatVectors data type |
CMFn | Function Set Type Identifiers |
CMFnAirField | Function set for Air Fields |
CMFnAmbientLight | Manage Ambient Light dependency Nodes |
CMFnAnimCurve | Anim Curve Function Set |
CMFnAnisotropyShader | Manage anisotropic shaders |
CMFnAreaLight | Manage Area Light dependency Nodes |
CMFnArrayAttrsData | Function set for multiple arrays of attributes for dependency node data |
CMFnAssembly | Function set for scene assembly |
CMFnAttribute | Dependency node attribute function set |
CMFnBase | Function Set Base Class |
CMFnBlendShapeDeformer | Blend shape deformer function set |
CMFnBlinnShader | Manage Blinn shaders |
CMFnCamera | Function set for cameras |
CMFnCameraSet | Camera set node function set |
CMFnCharacter | Function Set for Characters |
CMFnCircleSweepManip | CircleSweepManip function set |
CMFnClip | Clip function set |
CMFnComponent | Base class for component function sets |
CMFnComponentListData | Component list function set for dependency node data |
CMFnCompoundAttribute | Compound attribute function set |
CMFnContainerNode | Container function set |
CMFnCurveSegmentManip | CurveSegmentManip function set |
CMFnDagNode | DAG Node Function Set |
CMFnData | Parent class for dependency graph data function sets |
CMFnDependencyNode | Dependency node function set |
CMFnDirectionalLight | Manage Directional Light dependency nodes |
CMFnDirectionManip | DirectionManip function set |
CMFnDiscManip | DiscManip function set |
CMFnDistanceManip | DistanceManip function set |
CMFnDoubleArrayData | Double array function set for dependency node data |
CMFnDoubleIndexedComponent | Double indexed component function set |
CMFnDragField | Function set for Drag Fields |
CMFnDynSweptGeometryData | Swept Geometry function set for dependency node data |
CMFnEnumAttribute | Enumerated attribute function set |
CMFnExpression | Expression function set |
CMFnFalloffData | Matrix function set for dependency node data |
CMFnField | Function set for Dynamic Fields |
CMFnFloatArrayData | Float array function set for dependency node data |
CMFnFloatVectorArrayData | Int array function set for dependency node data |
CMFnFluid | Fluid node function set |
CMFnFreePointTriadManip | FreePointTriadManip function set |
CMFnGenericAttribute | Generic attribute function set |
CMFnGeometryData | Geometry data function set |
CMFnGeometryFilter | Geometry filter function set |
CMFnGravityField | Function set for Gravity Fields |
CMFnHikEffector | Full Body IK end effector function set |
CMFnIkEffector | Inverse kinematics end effector function set |
CMFnIkHandle | Function set for inverse kinematics (IK) handles |
CMFnIkJoint | Function set for joints |
CMFnIkSolver | Function set for inverse kinematics (IK) solvers |
CMFnImageSource | Function set for image sources |
CMFnInstancer | Particle Instancer object access class |
CMFnIntArrayData | Int array function set for dependency node data |
CMFnKeyframeDelta | Base function set for keyframe deltas |
CMFnKeyframeDeltaAddRemove | Function set for the addition or removal keys on a curve |
CMFnKeyframeDeltaBlockAddRemove | Function set for block add or removal of keys |
CMFnKeyframeDeltaBreakdown | Function set for changes in a key's breakdown state |
CMFnKeyframeDeltaInfType | Function set for changes in pre or post infinity type |
CMFnKeyframeDeltaMove | Function set for change in keyframe value or time |
CMFnKeyframeDeltaScale | This method is obsolete |
CMFnKeyframeDeltaTangent | Function set for changes to a key's tangent |
CMFnKeyframeDeltaWeighted | Function set for changes in a key's weighted state |
CMFnLambertShader | Manage Lambert shaders |
CMFnLattice | Lattice function set |
CMFnLatticeData | Lattice Data dependency graph type |
CMFnLatticeDeformer | FFD lattice deformer function set |
CMFnLayeredShader | Manage Layered shaders |
CMFnLight | Manage dependency graph nodes representing lights |
CMFnLightDataAttribute | Light data attribute function set |
CMFnManip3D | 3D manipulator function set |
CMFnMatrixArrayData | Matrix array function set for dependency node data |
CMFnMatrixAttribute | Matrix attribute function set |
CMFnMatrixData | Matrix function set for dependency node data |
CMFnMesh | Polygonal surface function set |
CMFnMeshData | Mesh function set for dependency node data |
CMFnMessageAttribute | Message attribute function set |
CMFnMotionPath | Motion path animation function set |
CMFnNewtonField | Function set for Newton Fields |
CMFnNIdData | Function set for nId object data |
CMFnNObjectData | Function set for nCloth object data |
CMFnNonAmbientLight | Manage Non-ambient Light dependency Nodes |
CMFnNonExtendedLight | Manage Non-extended Light dependency Nodes |
CMFnNumericAttribute | Numeric attribute function set |
CMFnNumericData | Numeric data function set |
CMFnNurbsCurve | NURBS curve function set |
CMFnNurbsCurveData | Nurbs Curve function set for dependency node data |
CMFnNurbsSurface | NURBS surface function set |
CMFnNurbsSurfaceData | Nurbs Surface function set for dependency node data |
CMFnParticleSystem | Class for obtaining information about a particle system |
CMFnPartition | Function set for partitions of objects |
CMFnPfxGeometry | PfxGeometry node function set |
CMFnPhongEShader | Manage phongE shaders |
CMFnPhongShader | Manage Phong Shaders |
CMFnPlugin | Register and deregister plug-in services with Maya |
CMFnPluginData | User defined data function set for dependency node data |
CMFnPointArrayData | Point array function set for dependency node data |
CMFnPointLight | Manage Point Light dependency Nodes |
CMFnPointOnCurveManip | PointOnCurveManip function set |
CMFnPointOnSurfaceManip | PointOnSurfaceManip function set |
CMFnRadialField | Function set for Radial Fields |
CMFnReference | Function set for querying information about file references |
CMFnReflectShader | Manage Reflective Surface Shaders |
CMFnRenderLayer | Function set for render layer |
CMFnRenderPass | Function set for render passes |
CMFnRotateManip | RotateManip function set |
CMFnScaleManip | ScaleManip function set |
CMFnSet | Function Set for Sets of Objects |
CMFnSingleIndexedComponent | Single indexed component function set |
CMFnSkinCluster | SkinCluster function set |
CMFnSphereData | Sphere function set for dependency node data |
CMFnSpotLight | Manage Spot Light dependency Nodes |
CMFnStandardSurfaceShader | Manage Standard Surface Shaders |
CMFnStateManip | StateManip function set |
CMFnStringArrayData | String array function set for dependency node data |
CMFnStringData | String function set for dependency node data |
CMFnSubd | Subdivision surface function set |
CMFnSubdData | Subdiv Surface function set for dependency node data |
CMFnSubdNames | Manipulate Subdivision Surface vertex, edge and face ids |
CMFnToggleManip | ToggleManip function set |
CMFnToolContext | Tool context function set |
CMFnTransform | Create and access transform nodes |
CMFnTripleIndexedComponent | Triple indexed component function set |
CMFnTurbulenceField | Function set for Turbulence Fields |
CMFnTypedAttribute | Typed attribute function set |
CMFnUInt64ArrayData | MUint64 array function set for dependency node data |
CMFnUint64SingleIndexedComponent | Single MUint64 indexed component function set |
CMFnUintArrayData | Int array function set for dependency node data |
CMFnUniformField | Function set for Uniform Fields |
CMFnUnitAttribute | Unit attribute Function set |
CMFnVectorArrayData | Int array function set for dependency node data |
CMFnVolumeAxisField | Function set for VolumeAxis Fields |
CMFnVolumeLight | Manage volume Light dependency Nodes |
CMFnVortexField | Function set for Vortex Fields |
CMFnWeightGeometryFilter | Weight geometry filter function set |
CMFnWireDeformer | Wire deformer function set |
CMGeometryData | This class allows storage of arbitrary data which is formated to be specifically suitable for usage using a 3D display interface such as OpenGL |
CMGeometryLegacy | MGeometryLegacy stores the collection of MGeometryData arrays which describe a Maya surface, including per-component data such as UV mapping and colour |
CMGeometryList | This class holds the set of data elements which represent a Maya surface |
CMGeometryManager | This class provides methods for managing MGeometry resources |
CMGeometryPrimitive | MGeometryPrimitive is a class describes the topology used for accessing MGeometryData |
CMGeometryRequirementsLegacy | MGeometryRequirementsLegacy stores the collection of MGeometryRequirementsData arrays which describe a Maya surface, including per-component data such as UV mapping and colour |
CMGLFunctionTable | The best cross platform alternative for drawing in Viewport 2.0 is via MHWRender::MVertexBuffer, MHWRender::MPxGeometryOverride, and other classes providing an abstraction from the underlying hardware API |
CMGlobal | Static class providing common API global functions |
CMGPUDeformerBuffer | Store GPU Representation of a data buffer |
CMGPUDeformerData | Store GPU Representation of geometry data |
CMGPUDeformerRegistrationInfo | Registration information for an MPxGPUDeformer |
CMGPUDeformerRegistry | Registration class for MPxGPUDeformer |
CMGPUEventList | Helper class to keep track of CL events |
CMGraphEditorInfo | Graph Editor state information with manipulation capabilities |
CMGraphNodeIterator | Provides access to the cluster nodes in a given evaluation graph |
CMHairSystem | Interface with Maya's Dynamic Hair System |
CMHardwareRenderer | Static hardware renderer interface class |
CMHwrCallback | Rendering Callbacks |
CMHWShaderSwatchGenerator | Hardware shader swatch generator utility class |
CMHwTextureManager | The MHwTextureManager provides an interface for loading and using hardware textures |
CMIffFile | Read file images stored on disk |
CMIffTag | Encapsulates IFF's 4 character block structure |
CMIkHandleGroup | IK handle groups |
CMIkSystem | Inverse kinematics (IK) system class |
CMImage | Image manipulation |
CMImageFileInfo | Image manipulation |
CMIndexMapper | Index mapper containing indices of a subset of a geometry |
CMInt64Array | Array of 64-bit integers data type |
CMIntArray | Array of integers data type |
CMItCurveCV | Iterator for NURBS curve CVs |
CMItDag | DAG Iterator |
CMItDependencyGraph | Dependency Graph Iterator |
CMItDependencyNodes | Dependency Node iterator |
CMItEdits | Edits iterator |
CMIteratorType | MIteratorType class |
CMItGeometry | Iterator class for geometry data |
CMItInstancer | Particle iterator |
CMItKeyframe | Keyframe Iterator |
CMItMeshEdge | Polygon edge iterator |
CMItMeshFaceVertex | Face vertex iterator |
CMItMeshPolygon | Polygon iterator |
CMItMeshVertex | Polygon vertex iterator |
CMItSelectionList | Iterate over the items in the selection list |
CMItSubdEdge | Subdiv edge iterator |
CMItSubdFace | Subdiv face iterator |
CMItSubdVertex | Subdiv vertex iterator |
CMItSurfaceCV | NURBS surface CV iterator |
CMLibrary | Set up Maya to run in library mode. (OpenMaya) |
CMLightLinks | Class providing read-only Light Linking API functions |
CMLockMessage | Node and plug locking messages |
CMManipData | Manipulator Data |
CMMaterial | This class is used in the draw functions of user defined shapes (see MPxSurfaceShapeUI) for setting up and querying materials used in shaded mode drawing |
CMMaterialArray | Array of pointers of MMaterial data type |
CMMatrix | A matrix math class for 4x4 matrices of doubles |
CMMatrixArray | Array of MMatrix data type |
CMMeshIntersector | Mesh intersector |
CMMeshIsectAccelParams | Class to define parameters for accelerated intersection operations |
CMMeshSmoothOptions | Options for control of smooth mesh generation |
CMMessage | Message base class |
CMModelMessage | Scene messages |
CMMutexLock | Methods for managing locks on threads created |
CMNamespace | Namespace |
CMnCloth | Class for wrapping N cloth objects |
CMnObject | Class for wrapping N cloth objects |
CMNodeCacheDisablingInfo | Defines additional info about why the node disables Cached Playback |
CMNodeCacheDisablingInfoHelper | Provides helpers for MNodeCacheDisablingInfo |
CMNodeCacheSetupInfo | Defines preferences and requirements the node has for Cached Playback |
CMNodeClass | A class for performing node class-level operations in the dependency graph |
CMNodeMessage | Dependency node messages |
CMnParticle | Class for wrapping N cloth objects |
CMnRigid | Class for wrapping N cloth objects |
CMnSolver | Class for wrapping N solver objects |
CMNurbsIntersector | Nurbs intersector |
CMObject | Generic Class for Accessing Internal Maya Objects |
CMObjectArray | Array of MObjects data type |
CMObjectHandle | Generic Class for validating MObjects |
CMObjectListFilter | Class for defining a scene list filter |
CMObjectSetMessage | Object Set Messages |
CMOpenCLBuffer | Convenience class which makes allocating, updating and releasing OpenCL buffers easy |
CMOpenCLInfo | Global OpenCL information used by Maya |
CMPaintMessage | Scene messages |
CMPanelCanvas | Custom Panel user drawing capabilities for supported panels |
CMPanelCanvasInfo | Panel state information setting and retrieval |
CMParentingEdit | Class for describing edits to parenting |
CMPlane | A plane equation |
CMPlug | Create and Access dependency node plugs |
CMPlugArray | Array of MPlugs data type |
CMPluginCallableInfo | Helper class for plugin callbacks and messages |
CMPoint | Implementation of a point |
CMPointArray | Array of MPoint data type |
CMPointOnMesh | Mesh intersector result |
CMPolyMessage | Polygon component id change messages |
CMProfiler | Class for working with Maya's profiler |
CMProfilingScope | MProfilingScope is used to profile code execution time |
CMProgressWindow | Create and manipulate progress windows |
CMPx3dModelView | MPx3dModelView is the class for user defined model views |
CMPxAnimCurveInterpolator | Base Class for User-defined Animation Curve Interpolation Types |
CMPxAssembly | Parent class of all user defined assembly nodes |
CMPxAttributePatternFactory | Base class for user-defined attribute pattern factories |
CMPxBakeEngine | Baking functionality |
CMPxBlendShape | Base class for user-defined blendshape deformers |
CMPxCacheConfigRuleFilter | Proxy class for defining a new caching rule filter |
CMPxCacheFormat | CacheFormat definition |
CMPxCameraSet | Base class for user-defined camera set nodes |
CMPxClientDeviceNode | Base class for client device creation |
CMPxCommand | Base class for user commands |
CMPxComponentShape | Component helper class for surface shapes |
CMPxConstraint | Proxy constraint node |
CMPxConstraintCommand | Proxy constraint command |
CMPxContext | Base class for user defined contexts |
CMPxContextCommand | Base class for context creation commands |
CMPxControlCommand | Base class for control creation commands |
CMPxCustomEvaluator | Base class for custom evaluation overrides in the evaluation manager |
CMPxData | Base Class for User-defined Dependency Graph Data Types |
CMPxDeformerNode | Base class for user defined deformers with per-vertex weights |
CMPxDragAndDropBehavior | Drag and Drop Behavior |
CMPxEditData | Base class used to associate user-defined data with edits |
CMPxEmitterNode | Base class for user defined particle emitters |
CMPxFieldNode | Base class for user defined fields |
CMPxFileResolver | Base Class for creating custom Maya File Resolvers |
CMPxFileTranslator | Base Class for creating Maya File Translators |
CMPxFluidEmitterNode | Base class for user defined particle emitters |
CMPxGeometryData | Base Class for User-defined Dependency Graph Geometry Data Types |
CMPxGeometryFilter | Base class for user-defined deformers |
CMPxGeometryIterator | Base class for user defined geometry iterators |
CMPxGlBuffer | Historically this class was used to created offscreen buffers on Linux |
CMPxGPUDeformer | Base class for user defined GPU deformer override evaluators |
►CMPxHardwareShader | Base class for user defined hardware shaders |
CRenderParameters | Provides information on how to render the image |
CShaderContext | Provides contextual information about the current invocation of the shader |
►CMPxHwShaderNode | Base class for user defined hardware shaders |
CRenderParameters | Provides information on how to render the image |
CMPxIkSolver | OBSOLETE CLASS: Base class for user defined IK solvers |
CMPxIkSolverNode | Base class for user defined IK solvers |
CMPxImageFile | Image manipulation |
CMPxImagePlane | Base class for user defined imagePlane nodes |
CMPxLocatorNode | Base class for user defined locators |
CMPxManipContainer | Base class for user defined manipulator containers |
CMPxManipulatorNode | Base class for manipulator creation |
CMPxMaterialInformation | Material information proxy |
CMPxMayaAsciiFilter | Translator to output filtered Maya ASCII files |
CMPxMayaAsciiFilterOutput | Wrapper for a Maya Ascii file output stream |
CMPxMidiInputDevice | Midi input device |
CMPxModelEditorCommand | Base class for editor creation commands |
CMPxMotionPathNode | Base class for user defined motionPath nodes |
CMPxMultiPolyTweakUVCommand | Base class used for moving UV's on multiple objects |
CMPxNode | Base class for user defined dependency nodes |
CMPxObjectSet | Parent class of all user defined object sets |
CMPxParticleAttributeMapperNode | User defined per particle attribute mapping nodes |
CMPxPolyTrg | User defined poly triangulation support |
CMPxPolyTweakUVCommand | Base class used for moving polygon UV's |
CMPxPolyTweakUVInteractiveCommand | Base class used for moving polygon UV's |
►CMPxRenderer | Base class for plugin renderers |
CJobParams | Parameters for starting a new job |
CProgressParams | Parameters for reporting progress of a task |
CRefreshParams | Parameters for doing refresh of the view when new image data is available |
CMPxRenderPassImpl | Render pass implementation |
CMPxRepresentation | Abstract base class for user defined representations |
CMPxSelectionContext | Base class for interative selection tools |
CMPxSkinCluster | Base class for user-defined skin deformers |
CMPxSpringNode | Base class for user defined spring law |
CMPxSurfaceShape | Parent class of all user defined shapes |
CMPxSurfaceShapeUI | Drawing and selection for user defined shapes |
CMPxTexContext | Base class for user defined contexts working on uv editor |
CMPxThreadedDeviceNode | Base class for threaded node creation |
CMPxToolCommand | Base class for interactive tool commands |
CMPxTopologyEvaluator | Topology override evaluator for fine grain evaluation graphs |
CMPxTransform | Base class for user defined transforms |
CMPxTransformationMatrix | Base class of all user defined transformation matrices |
CMPxTransformationMatrixPreRotation | Base class of all user defined transformation matrices with pre-rotation |
CMPxTransformPreRotation | Base class for user defined transforms with pre-rotation |
CMPxUIControl | Base class for control creation |
CMPxUITableControl | Base class for creating new spreadsheet controls |
CMQtUtil | Qt Utility Methods |
CMQuaternion | Quaternion math |
CMRampAttribute | Create and manipulate ramp attributes |
CMRenderCallback | Rendering Callbacks |
CMRenderData | Access Rendering Data |
CMRenderingInfo | Information to perform rendering into a hardware render target |
CMRenderLine | Class for accessing paint effects output curve data |
CMRenderLineArray | Class for accessing paint effects output curve data |
CMRenderPassDef | Render pass information |
CMRenderPassRegistry | Access the render pass registry |
CMRenderProfile | Render profile |
CMRenderSetup | Utilities for obtaining render setup information |
CMRenderShadowData | Access Rendering Shadow Map Data |
CMRenderTargetLegacy | MRenderTargetLegacy is a class contains information about a given hardware render target |
CMRenderUtil | Common API rendering functions |
CMRenderView | Static class providing Render View API functions |
CMRichSelection | Selection list supporting soft selection and symmetry |
CMSceneMessage | Scene messages |
CMScriptUtil | Utility class for working with pointers and references in Python |
CMSelectInfo | Selection state information used in MPxSurfaceShapeUI::select |
CMSelectionList | A list of MObjects |
CMSelectionMask | Manage what is selectable in Maya. (OpenMaya) (OpenMaya.py) |
CMSetAttrEdit | Class for describing setAttr edits |
CMSharedPtr | A reference counting pointer |
CMSpace | Space transformation identifiers |
CMSpinLock | Methods for managing spin locks on threads |
CMStatus | Manipulate Maya Status codes |
CMStreamUtils | Stream functionality |
CMString | Manipulate strings |
CMStringArray | Array of MStrings data type |
CMStringResource | Localizable string resources |
CMStringResourceId | Unique identifier for an MString Resource |
CMSwatchRenderBase | Swatch Render Base class |
CMSwatchRenderRegister | Manages swatch generators |
CMSyntax | Syntax for Commands |
CMTemplateAction | Template class for non undoable actions |
CMTemplateCommand | Template class for undoable commands |
CMTemplateContextCommand | Template class for context commands |
CMTemplateCreateNodeCommand | Template class for undoable commands to create/delete a node |
CMTemplateSelectionContext | Template class for selection context |
CMTesselationParams | Tesselation parameters |
CMTextureEditorDrawInfo | Drawing state for drawing to the UV texture window with custom shapes |
CMThreadAsync | Methods for creating threads |
CMThreadPool | Methods for creating and managing a thread pool |
CMThreadUtils | Helper methods for threaded plugins |
CMTime | Set and retrieve animation time values in various unit systems |
CMTimeArray | Array of MTime data type |
CMTimer | This class works similar to timerX MEL command |
CMTimeRange | Mathematic type that represent a set of pseudo-real-number (in the unit of time), such as [-1s, +1s] U [+2, +5s] |
CMTimerMessage | Register callbacks that are based on a fixed time interval |
CMToolsInfo | Tool information |
CMTopologyClusterNode | Topology cluster representing a fine grain evaluation graph |
CMTransformationMatrix | Transformation matrix |
CMTrimBoundaryArray | An array class for trim boundaries |
CMTypeId | Manage Maya Object type identifiers |
CMUiMessage | UI messages |
CMUint64Array | Array of MUint64 data type |
CMUintArray | Array of integers data type |
CMUniformParameter | Uniform parameter |
CMUniformParameterList | Uniform Parameter |
CMUniqueString | A non-mutable string with O(1) comparison operators |
CMURI | Manipulating Uniform Resource Identifiers |
CMUserData | Virtual base class for user data caching |
CMUserEventMessage | User defined Message Types |
CMUuid | Class to manipulate UUIDs |
CMVaryingParameter | Geometric data cache |
CMVaryingParameterList | Geometric data cache |
CMVector | A vector math class for vectors of doubles |
CMVectorArray | Array of MVectors data type |
CMViewportRenderer | MViewportRenderer is a class which represents a hardware viewport renderer |
CMWeight | Component weight data |
CRV_AOV | Arbitrary Output Variable (AOV) data type |
CRV_PIXEL | Pixel data type |