C++ API Reference
Channel Member List

This is the complete list of members for Channel, including all inherited members.

addElement(const Index &elementIndex)Channel
begin() const Channel
cbegin() const Channel
cend() const Channel
Channel(const std::string &)Channelexplicit
Channel(const Channel &)Channel
dataStream(unsigned int streamIndex)Channel
dataStream(const std::string &streamName)Channel
dataStreamCount() const Channel
Debug(const Channel *me, Debug::Print &request)Channelstatic
Debug(const Channel *me, Debug::Footprint &request)Channelstatic
empty() const Channel
end() const Channel
findDataStream(const std::string &) const Channel
findDataStream(const std::string &)Channel
name() const Channel
operator=(const Channel &)Channel
operator==(const Channel &) const Channel
removeDataStream(const std::string &)Channel
removeElement(const Index &elementIndex)Channel
renameDataStream(const std::string &, const std::string &)Channel
setDataStream(const Stream &newStream)Channel
size() const Channel