C++ API Reference
// Copyright 2016 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
// provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise
// accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
#include <maya/MDrawContext.h>
#include <maya/MDrawRegistry.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MFragmentManager.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MPxHardwareShader.h>
#include <maya/MPxShaderOverride.h>
#include <maya/MRenderUtilities.h>
#include <maya/MShaderManager.h>
#include <maya/MStateManager.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
// This plug-in implementation shows the usage of MPxShaderOverride for a Maya
// shader node which can be assigned to particle sprites for customized shading.
// The purpose is to demonstrate how to define, connect and debug shader fragments
// using C++ API or XML schema for shading fragments in plug-ins, and in particular
// how to define and connect a geometry shader fragment. In this case the plug-in
// will create a shader instance from a fragment graph whose connections, properties,
// values and outputs are defined in XML and connect it with a geometry shader
// fragment using MShaderInstance::addInputFragment().
// Because the shader instance is generated from shader fragments, the lighting
// fragments can be connected to the shader instance in order to allow the shader
// to work with maya lights. For more details please see the documentation for
// MPxSurfaceShadingNodeOverride.
// An implementation of color management on the input texture is also built into
// customFileTextureOutputColor.xml, which is to show how maya converts texture
// color from sRGB space to linear space. The implementation depends on input
// color space and may vary according to needs, e.g. plug-ins can also choose
// GPU linearization instead of a shader method.
// Transparency notification is handled by setting MPxShaderOverride::isTransparent()
// virtual method return value appropriately as needed. The support for advanced
// transparency algorithms, such as depth peeling and weighted average, are also
// handled by returning true for MPxShaderOverride::supportsAdvancedTransparency()
// and checking specific pass semantics in MPxShaderOverride::handlesDraw().
// The code also demonstrates handling of non-textured drawing by providing another
// MShaderInstance to be returned from MPxShaderOverride::nonTexturedShaderInstance().
// It will also handle transparency by appropriately setting the shader instance
// transparency hint using MShaderInstance::setIsTransparent().
// (De)registration is shown as part of plug-in (de)initialization, noting that
// the MPxShaderOverride association to the MPxNode node is achieved by supplying
// the same "drawdb/shader" classification for both registration interfaces.
// For debugging shader fragments, the final effect source of the shader instance
// can be written to disk using MShaderInstance::writeEffectSourceToFile() and
// can be used to create another shader instance for being bound to a draw context.
// In case of failure, shader compilation errors can be either displayed in Script
// Editor during binding or queried from MShaderManager::getLastError() afterwards.
// customSpriteShader.mel is provided for easier testing, which creates some
// particle sprites with random scale and twist, and then assign them with
// customSpriteShader.
// The plugin assumes that the devkit location follows "Setting up your build
// environment" at Maya Developer Help; otherwise, shaders/textures cannot be
// located. In this case create a mod (module description file) as below in a
// suitable modules folder (getenv "MAYA_MODULE_PATH") and restart Maya.
// + devkit 1.0 <local devkit path>
class customSpriteShader : public MPxHardwareShader
~customSpriteShader() override
static void* creator()
return new customSpriteShader();
static MStatus initialize()
return MS::kSuccess;
static MTypeId id;
MTypeId customSpriteShader::id(0x00081033);
class customSpriteShaderOverride : public MHWRender::MPxShaderOverride
~customSpriteShaderOverride() override;
static MHWRender::MPxShaderOverride* creator(const MObject& obj)
return new customSpriteShaderOverride(obj);
MHWRender::DrawAPI supportedDrawAPIs() const override
return MHWRender::kAllDevices;
return fShaderInstance;
MHWRender::MShaderInstance* nonTexturedShaderInstance(bool &monitorNode) const override
monitorNode = false;
return fNonTexturedShaderInstance;
bool isTransparent() override
return true;
bool supportsAdvancedTransparency() const override
return true;
MString initialize(const MInitContext& initContext, MSharedPtr<MUserData>& userData) override;
bool handlesDraw(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context) override;
void activateKey(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context, const MString& key) override;
bool draw(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context,const MHWRender::MRenderItemList& renderItemList) const override;
void terminateKey(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context, const MString& key) override;
static MStatus registerShadeFragments();
static MStatus deregisterShadeFragments();
static bool addFragmentXML(MHWRender::MFragmentManager& fragMgr, const MString& fileName, bool asGraph);
customSpriteShaderOverride(const MObject& obj);
void createShaderInstances();
MHWRender::MShaderInstance *fShaderInstance;
MHWRender::MShaderInstance *fNonTexturedShaderInstance;
static MStringArray sFragmentArray;
static bool sDebugFragment;
MStringArray customSpriteShaderOverride::sFragmentArray;
bool customSpriteShaderOverride::sDebugFragment = (getenv("MAYA_CUSTOMSPRITESHADER_DEBUG_FRAGMENTS") != NULL);
customSpriteShaderOverride::customSpriteShaderOverride(const MObject& obj)
: MHWRender::MPxShaderOverride(obj)
, fShaderInstance(NULL)
, fNonTexturedShaderInstance(NULL)
if (renderer)
const MHWRender::MShaderManager* shaderMgr = renderer->getShaderManager();
if (shaderMgr)
if (fShaderInstance)
fShaderInstance = NULL;
if (fNonTexturedShaderInstance)
fNonTexturedShaderInstance = NULL;
void customSpriteShaderOverride::createShaderInstances()
if (renderer)
const MHWRender::MShaderManager* shaderMgr = renderer->getShaderManager();
if (shaderMgr)
// XML-based fragment graph supports multiple connections between
// shade fragments, while MShaderInstance::addInputFragment can only
// support single connection between the shader instance and input
// fragment. To see how internal fragments are implemented, use the
// fragmentDumper plugin.
fShaderInstance = shaderMgr->getFragmentShader(
"customFileTextureBlinnShader", "outSurfaceFinal", true);
// Connect the custom geometry shader.
"customPoint2ViewAlignedTexturedQuad", "GPUStage", "GPUStage");
// Acquire and bind the snow texture.
// The plugin assumes that the devkit location follows "Setting up your build
// environment" at Maya Developer Help; otherwise, shaders/textures cannot be
// located. In this case create a mod (module description file) as below in a
// suitable modules folder (getenv "MAYA_MODULE_PATH") and restart Maya.
// + devkit 1.0 <local devkit path>
MString path;
if (!MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("getModulePath -moduleName \"devkit\""), path))
path = MString(getenv("MAYA_LOCATION")) + MString("/devkit");
path += MString("/plug-ins/customSpriteShader/");
renderer->getTextureManager()->acquireTexture(path + MString("snow.png"), "", 1);
if (texture)
texResource.texture = texture;
fShaderInstance->setParameter("map", texResource);
MString errorMsg = MString("customSpriteShader failed to acquire texture from ") + path + MString("snow.png");
// Acquire and bind the default texture sampler.
const MHWRender::MSamplerState* sampler =
if (sampler)
fShaderInstance->setParameter("textureSampler", *sampler);
// Particle sprites cannot directly be drawn with the default non-
// textured shader instance which is designed for polygons, so we
// create a non-texture shader instance as well. Note the geometry
// shader is slightly different from the textured version.
fNonTexturedShaderInstance = shaderMgr->getFragmentShader(
"customSolidColorBlinnShader", "outSurfaceFinal", true);
"customPoint2ViewAlignedSolidQuad", "GPUStage", "GPUStage");
// Set color and transparency.
float customColor[3] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
fNonTexturedShaderInstance->setParameter("customColor", customColor);
float customTransparency[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
fNonTexturedShaderInstance->setParameter("customTransparency", customTransparency);
// Dump final effect source and perform validation, for debugging the
// custom shader fragments on all device APIs. For validation, plugin
// can bind a temporary draw context with a shader instance generated
// from the effect source dump. Make sure it's unbound afterwards.
if (sDebugFragment)
MString filePath = path + MString("customSpriteShader.fx");
MHWRender::MShaderInstance* shaderInstance =
shaderMgr->getEffectsFileShader(filePath, "");
if (dc && shaderInstance)
if (!shaderInstance->bind(*dc))
MString errorMsg = filePath +
MString(":\n") +
MString customSpriteShaderOverride::initialize(const MInitContext&, MSharedPtr<MUserData>&)
MString empty;
MString spritePP("spritePP");
if (fShaderInstance)
return MString("customSpriteShaderOverride");
bool customSpriteShaderOverride::handlesDraw(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context)
const MHWRender::MPassContext& passCtx = context.getPassContext();
const MStringArray& passSem = passCtx.passSemantics();
bool handlePass = false;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<passSem.length(); i++)
const MString& pass = passSem[i];
// For color passes, only handle if there isn't already a global override.
// This is the same as the default logic for this method in MPxShaderOverride
if (!passCtx.hasShaderOverride())
handlePass = true;
// Advanced transparency algorithms are supported.
handlePass = true;
// If these semantics are specified then they override the color pass
// semantic handling.
handlePass = false;
return handlePass;
void customSpriteShaderOverride::activateKey(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context, const MString& key)
if (fShaderInstance)
bool customSpriteShaderOverride::draw(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context, const MHWRender::MRenderItemList& renderItemList) const
if (fShaderInstance)
unsigned int passCount = fShaderInstance->getPassCount(context);
if (passCount)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < passCount; i++)
fShaderInstance->activatePass(context, i);
return true;
void customSpriteShaderOverride::terminateKey(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context, const MString& key)
if (fShaderInstance)
bool customSpriteShaderOverride::addFragmentXML(MHWRender::MFragmentManager& fragMgr,
const MString& fileName,
bool asGraph)
MString fragName = asGraph ? fragMgr.addFragmentGraphFromFile( fileName ) :
fragMgr.addShadeFragmentFromFile( fileName, false );
if (fragName.length() == 0)
MString errorMsg = MString("customSpriteShader failed to add fragment from ") + fileName;
return false;
return true;
MStatus customSpriteShaderOverride::registerShadeFragments()
if (renderer)
if (fragMgr)
// Add search path (once only)
// The plugin assumes that the devkit location follows "Setting up your build
// environment" at Maya Developer Help; otherwise, shaders/textures cannot be
// located. In this case create a mod (module description file) as below in a
// suitable modules folder (getenv "MAYA_MODULE_PATH") and restart Maya.
// + devkit 1.0 <local devkit path>
MString path;
if (!MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("getModulePath -moduleName \"devkit\""), path, false))
path = MString(getenv("MAYA_LOCATION")) + MString("/devkit");
path += "/plug-ins/customSpriteShader";
MString info = MString("customSpriteShader added a fragment search path: ") + path;
// Fragment graphs are registered after shader fragments because of dependency.
if (addFragmentXML(*fragMgr, "customFileTextureOutputColor.xml", false) &&
addFragmentXML(*fragMgr, "customFileTextureOutputTransparency.xml", false) &&
addFragmentXML(*fragMgr, "customPoint2ViewAlignedSolidQuad.xml", false) &&
addFragmentXML(*fragMgr, "customPoint2ViewAlignedTexturedQuad.xml", false) &&
addFragmentXML(*fragMgr, "customFileTextureBlinnShader.xml", true) &&
addFragmentXML(*fragMgr, "customSolidColorBlinnShader.xml", true))
return MS::kSuccess;
return MS::kFailure;
MStatus customSpriteShaderOverride::deregisterShadeFragments()
bool success = false;
if (renderer)
if (fragMgr)
success = true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sFragmentArray.length(); i++)
MString fragName = sFragmentArray[i];
if (fragMgr->hasFragment(fragName) && !fragMgr->removeFragment(fragName))
success = false;
MString errorMsg = MString("customSpriteShader failed to remove fragment ") + sFragmentArray[i];
return success ? MS::kSuccess : MS::kFailure;
static MString sCustomSpriteShaderRegistrantId("customSpriteShaderRegistrantId");
static MString sCustomSpriteShaderDrawdbClassification("drawdb/shader/surface/customSpriteShader");
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus status = customSpriteShaderOverride::registerShadeFragments();
if (status != MS::kSuccess)
return status;
MFnPlugin plugin(obj, "Autodesk", "1.0", "Any");
MString UserClassification("shader/surface/:");
UserClassification += sCustomSpriteShaderDrawdbClassification;
status = plugin.registerNode(
if (status != MS::kSuccess)
return status;
if (status != MS::kSuccess)
return status;
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )
MFnPlugin plugin(obj);
MStatus status = plugin.deregisterNode(customSpriteShader::id);
if (status != MS::kSuccess)
return status;
if (status != MS::kSuccess)
return status;
status = customSpriteShaderOverride::deregisterShadeFragments();
if (status != MS::kSuccess)
return status;
return status;