C++ API Reference
// Copyright 2012 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
// provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise
// accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
#include "customTextureShaderOverride.h"
#include "customTextureShader.h"
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MDrawContext.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
customTextureShaderOverride::customTextureShaderOverride(const MObject& obj)
: MHWRender::MPxShaderOverride(obj)
m_beautyShaderInstance = NULL;
m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance = NULL;
m_shaderBound = false;
m_inBeautyPass = false;
// init custom texture data:
m_customTextureData = NULL;
if (!renderer)
const MHWRender::MShaderManager* shaderMgr = renderer->getShaderManager();
if (!shaderMgr)
// Tell Maya to get our shader
// The plugin assumes that the devkit location follows "Setting up your build
// environment" at Maya Developer Help; otherwise, shaders/textures cannot be
// located. In this case create a mod (module description file) as below in a
// suitable modules folder (getenv "MAYA_MODULE_PATH") and restart Maya.
// + devkit 1.0 <local devkit path>
MString shaderLocation;
if( !MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("getModulePath -moduleName \"devkit\""), shaderLocation, false) ) {
shaderLocation = MString(getenv("MAYA_LOCATION")) + MString("/devkit");
shaderLocation += MString("/plug-ins/customTextureShader/CustomTextureBlock");
m_beautyShaderInstance = shaderMgr->getEffectsFileShader(shaderLocation, "Main");
// Load the MultiDraw alternate version of the shader
shaderLocation += MString("MultiDraw");
m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance = shaderMgr->getEffectsFileShader(shaderLocation, "Main");
MHWRender::MPxShaderOverride* customTextureShaderOverride::Creator(const MObject& obj)
return new customTextureShaderOverride(obj);
if (m_beautyShaderInstance || m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance)
if (renderer)
const MHWRender::MShaderManager* shaderMgr = renderer->getShaderManager();
if (shaderMgr)
if (m_beautyShaderInstance)
m_beautyShaderInstance = NULL;
if (m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance)
m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance = NULL;
// clean custom texture data:
delete m_customTextureData;
m_customTextureData = NULL;
MString customTextureShaderOverride::initialize(const MInitContext& initContext, MSharedPtr<MUserData>&)
// Set the geometry requirements for drawing.
MString empty;
if (m_beautyShaderInstance)
if (m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance)
return MString("customTextureShaderOverride");
MHWRender::MShaderInstance* customTextureShaderOverride::shaderInstance(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context) const
if (m_inBeautyPass)
if (context.isMultiDraw())
return m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance;
return m_beautyShaderInstance;
return NULL;
void customTextureShaderOverride::updateDG(MObject object)
void customTextureShaderOverride::updateDevice()
// Set parameters:
// build that custom data texture here and bind to shader:
void customTextureShaderOverride::endUpdate()
bool customTextureShaderOverride::handlesDraw(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context)
const MHWRender::MPassContext& passCtx = context.getPassContext();
const MStringArray& passSem = passCtx.passSemantics();
m_inBeautyPass = false;
// For color passes, only handle if there isn't already
// a global override. This is the same as the default
// logic for this method in MPxShaderOverride
bool handlePass = false;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<passSem.length(); i++)
bool hasOverrideShader = passCtx.hasShaderOverride();
if (!hasOverrideShader)
handlePass = true;
m_inBeautyPass = true;
// If these semantics are specified then they override
// the color pass semantic handling.
handlePass = false;
return handlePass;
void customTextureShaderOverride::activateKey(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context, const MString& /*key*/)
m_inMultiDrawMode = false;
if (m_inBeautyPass)
m_inMultiDrawMode = context.isMultiDraw();
if (m_inMultiDrawMode && m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance)
m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance->bind(context); // bind the MultiDraw version of the shader
else if (!m_inMultiDrawMode && m_beautyShaderInstance)
m_beautyShaderInstance->bind(context); // make sure our shader is the active shader
m_shaderBound = true;
bool customTextureShaderOverride::draw(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context, const MHWRender::MRenderItemList& renderItemList) const
if (!m_shaderBound)
return false;
// Draw for color pass
if (m_inBeautyPass)
MHWRender::MShaderInstance * shaderInstance = NULL;
if (m_inMultiDrawMode)
shaderInstance = m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance;
shaderInstance = m_beautyShaderInstance;
if (shaderInstance)
unsigned int passCount = shaderInstance->getPassCount(context);
if (passCount)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<passCount; i++)
shaderInstance->activatePass(context, i);
return true;
return false;
void customTextureShaderOverride::terminateKey(MHWRender::MDrawContext& context, const MString& /*key*/)
if (m_shaderBound && m_inBeautyPass)
if (m_inMultiDrawMode && m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance)
else if (!m_inMultiDrawMode && m_beautyShaderInstance)
m_inMultiDrawMode = false;
m_shaderBound = false;
MHWRender::DrawAPI customTextureShaderOverride::supportedDrawAPIs() const
return ( MHWRender::kOpenGL | MHWRender::kOpenGLCoreProfile | MHWRender::kDirectX11 );
bool customTextureShaderOverride::isTransparent()
return false;
bool customTextureShaderOverride::overridesDrawState()
return false;
bool customTextureShaderOverride::supportsMultiDraw() const
return m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance != NULL;
void customTextureShaderOverride::updateShaderInstance()
if (!renderer)
// this could be optimized by checking if parameters actually changed
// see hwPhongShader for a more complete example in this regards
if (m_beautyShaderInstance)
m_beautyShaderInstance->setParameter("colVal", 1.0f);
if (m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance)
m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance->setParameter("colVal", 1.0f);
void customTextureShaderOverride::buildAndUpdateCustomDataTextureViaMaya()
if (!renderer)
MString newTextureName = MString("MyCustomTexture");
MHWRender::MTexture* myTex = mt->acquireTexture(newTextureName, m_desc, m_customTextureData, false);
if (myTex)
texResource.texture = myTex;
if (m_beautyShaderInstance)
m_beautyShaderInstance->setParameter("MyTexture", texResource);
if (m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance)
m_multiDrawBeautyShaderInstance->setParameter("MyTexture", texResource);
void customTextureShaderOverride::generateCustomTexture()
int textureSize = 256;
int numSlice = 1; // Number of array slices. e.g. 6 would be required for a cube-map
// First time, we create a contiguous block of data for the texture.
if (!m_customTextureData)
m_customTextureData = new unsigned char[4*textureSize*textureSize*numSlice];
// init values
// do whatever you would do with your custom texture data. E.g. generate procedural texture.
int index = 0;
for (int face=0 ; face<numSlice ; face++)
for (int j=0 ; j<textureSize ; j++)
for (int i=0 ; i<textureSize ; i++)
m_customTextureData[index++] = (unsigned char)(i);
m_customTextureData[index++] = (unsigned char)(j);
m_customTextureData[index++] = (unsigned char)(255*face/numSlice);
m_customTextureData[index++] = 255;
// we still have to setup a texture description for Maya, even when using custom data:
m_desc.fWidth = textureSize;
m_desc.fHeight = textureSize;
m_desc.fDepth = 1;
m_desc.fBytesPerRow = 4*textureSize;
m_desc.fBytesPerSlice = 4*textureSize*textureSize;
m_desc.fMipmaps = 1;
m_desc.fArraySlices = numSlice;
m_desc.fFormat = MHWRender::kR8G8B8A8_UNORM;
m_desc.fTextureType = MHWRender::kImage2D;