C++ API Reference
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
#include "gpuCacheSpatialGrid.h"
#include "gpuCacheSpatialGridWalker.h"
#include <maya/MIntArray.h>
#include "gpuCacheIsectUtil.h"
const MPoint& origin,
const MVector& direction,
SpatialGrid *grid )
// Description:
// Initializes the ray for its walk through the voxel grid.
// We must do the following:
// - if the ray is outside the voxel grid bounding box, we must
// snap it to its closest intersection with the box.
// - compute the initial fDistance values, which give the parametric
// distances to the x,y, and z axes along the ray
// - compute the initial fNextAxis value, which tells us which
// axis we will next advance along
// First, snap the ray to the bounding box if necessary
if( !grid->bounds().contains( origin ) )
MPoint boxIntersectionPt;
if(GPUCache::gpuCacheIsectUtil::firstRayIntersection((grid->bounds().min()), (grid->bounds().max()), origin, direction, NULL, &boxIntersectionPt))
// ray intersects bounding box, so snap the origin to the
// closest hit on the outside of the box
fOrigin = MPoint( boxIntersectionPt.x,
boxIntersectionPt.z );
float dist = (float) boxIntersectionPt.distanceTo( origin );
float length = (float) direction.length();
fCurVoxelStartRayParam = dist/ length;
fDone = false;
// ray doesn't hit box, so it can't hit anything inside the
// voxel grid, thus the iterator is done
fDone = true;
fCurVoxelStartRayParam = 0;
fNextAxis = 0;
fCurDistances = gridPoint3<float>( 1.0e8, 1.0e8, 1.0e8 );
// figure out which grid cell we are in, and how far we are from
// the lower corner of that cell
MPoint residual;
grid->getVoxelCoords( fOrigin, fCurVoxelCoords, &residual );
// for each axis, figure out how far we need to follow the ray before
// we hit the next grid line in that axis. the parametric value to
// the grid line is just the actual distance to the line divided by
// the ray's component along the axis.
for( int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ )
// take into account that we may be heading towards the next-lowest
// grid line or the next-highest, depending on the sign of the ray
// direction coordinate for this axis
if( fDirection[axis] > 0 )
fCurDistances[axis] = (grid->fVoxelSizes[axis]-
else if( fDirection[axis] < 0 )
fCurDistances[axis] = -(residual[axis]/fDirection[axis]);
// ray direction component along this axis is 0, meaning ray will
// never reach the grid cell adjacent along this axis. just set
// the distance to huge value to make sure that we never advance
// along that axis
fCurDistances[axis] = 1.0e8;
// store which axis has the smallest distance
if( fCurDistances[axis] < fCurDistances[fNextAxis] )
fNextAxis = axis;
// figure out total parametric distance from ray origin to end of
// this voxel
fCurVoxelEndRayParam = fCurVoxelStartRayParam + fCurDistances[fNextAxis];
void SpatialGridWalker::next()
// Description:
// Walks the iterator to the voxel adjacent to the current voxel
// that the ray will hit next.
// The axis specified by fNextAxis (x=0, y=1, z=2) tells us which
// is closest, so we just advance along that axis, and update
// the fDistance distances and the fNextAxis value. We also need
// to watch for when the ray leaves the grid, in which case the
// fDone member is set to true to indicate that all voxels have
// been traversed.
// axes are represented by indices x=0, y=1, z=2, which makes it
// easy to write code that operates on any axis, rather than
// having to explicitly code cases for x, y, and z.
int curAxis = fNextAxis;
int otherAxis1 = (curAxis+1)%3;
int otherAxis2 = (curAxis+2)%3;
// we are going to go to the voxel that is adjacent to the current one
// along the fNextAxis axis. Figure out if we are going to a higher
// or lower voxel, and figure out if we are leaving the grid.
if( fDirection[curAxis] >= 0.0 )
fCurVoxelCoords[curAxis] += 1;
if( fCurVoxelCoords[curAxis] >= fVoxelGrid->fNumVoxels[curAxis] )
fDone = true;
fCurVoxelCoords[curAxis] -= 1;
if( fCurVoxelCoords[curAxis] < 0 )
fDone = true;
fCurVoxelStartRayParam += fCurDistances[curAxis];
// update the fCurDistances, the parametric distances to the closest
// adjacent voxels in the x,y,z directions. We know that
// fCurDistances[curAxis] is the smallest, and we are moving that far,
// so just subtract that value from the distances for the other axes
fCurDistances[otherAxis1] -= fCurDistances[curAxis];
fCurDistances[otherAxis2] -= fCurDistances[curAxis];
// update the distance for the current axis. Since we have advanced to
// the boundary of a voxel along that axis, the new required distance
// is a full voxel width in the specified axis. Make sure to get the
// sign right - the distance must always be positive.
fCurDistances[curAxis] = fVoxelGrid->fVoxelSizes[curAxis] /
// figure out which axis now has the smallest distance. It could be
// x, y, or z
if( fCurDistances[otherAxis1] < fCurDistances[otherAxis2] )
if( fCurDistances[otherAxis1] < fCurDistances[fNextAxis] )
fNextAxis = otherAxis1;
if( fCurDistances[otherAxis2] < fCurDistances[fNextAxis] )
fNextAxis = otherAxis2;
// recompute ray-parametric distance to end of new voxel
fCurVoxelEndRayParam = fCurVoxelStartRayParam + fCurDistances[fNextAxis];
bool SpatialGridWalker::isDone()
// Description:
// Returns true when the ray has traversed all voxel grid cells
// that it intersects.
return fDone;
float SpatialGridWalker::curVoxelStartRayParam()
// Description:
// Returns ray-parametric distance to the start of the current
// voxel. This is useful for determining whether all the voxel
// contents lie beyond a particular distance from the ray origin.
return fCurVoxelStartRayParam;
float SpatialGridWalker::curVoxelEndRayParam()
// Description:
// Returns ray-parametric distance to the end of the current
// voxel.
return fCurVoxelEndRayParam;
MUintArray *SpatialGridWalker::voxelContents()
// Description:
// Returns the contents of the voxel in which the iterator
// currently resides. This is a list of triangles that
// can be NULL if no triangles are found in the voxel.
return fVoxelGrid->getVoxelContents( fCurVoxelCoords );
// Description:
// Returns the current location within the grid.
return fCurVoxelCoords;