C++ API Reference
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// Description:
// This file contains classes that implement the functionality
// exposed by the gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision class. The stuff that is
// accomplished here is:
// 1) Load a SpatialGrid data structure with our list of triangles.
// 2) Intelligently walk through the grid using to find cells
// that lie along a particular ray. This is done using
// SpatialGridWalker.
// 3) use all this to provide a ray-mesh intersection
// The file is organized into several parts:
// Part 1: Definition of gpuCacheAccelIsectParams, which encapsulates the
// creation parameters for the spatial subdivision structure.
// Part 2: Definition of gpuCacheSpatialGrid, derived from SpatialGrid.
// This class loads spatial grid with face/triangle data.
// Part 3: Definition of gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision, which finally
// implements the various intersection methods.
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include "gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision.h"
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
#include <tbb/parallel_reduce.h>
#include <tbb/blocked_range.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <set>
// PART 1:
// - defines gpuCacheAccelIsectParams class, which encapsulates parameters
// for creating the spatial subdivision structure.
namespace GPUCache {
int divX,
int divY,
int divZ
return gpuCacheIsectAccelParams( gpuCacheIsectAccelParams::kUniformGrid,
divX, divY, divZ );
return gpuCacheIsectAccelParams( gpuCacheIsectAccelParams::kAutoUniformGrid,
-1, -1, -1 );
: fAlgorithm( gpuCacheIsectAccelParams::kUniformGrid ),
int alg,
int divX,
int divY,
int divZ
: fAlgorithm(alg),
int gpuCacheIsectAccelParams::operator==( const gpuCacheIsectAccelParams& rhs )
// Description:
// Compares two acceleration parameter settings to see if they
// are the same. We need to know this in order to determine
// whether the acceleration structure needs to be rebuilt or not.
// We don't compare the verbosity field, as it doesn't actually
// affect the acceleration structure.
if( (fAlgorithm == rhs.fAlgorithm) &&
(fDivX == rhs.fDivX) &&
(fDivY == rhs.fDivY) &&
(fDivZ == rhs.fDivZ) )
return 1;
return 0;
int gpuCacheIsectAccelParams::operator!=( const gpuCacheIsectAccelParams& rhs )
// Description:
// Opposite of ==
return !((*this)==rhs);
// PART 2:
// - Derive from SpatialGrid to support the data & accessors that we need.
// This derive class holds on to the list of triangle indices.
// SpatialGrid is a data blind structure. Even though we only use it to store
// triangle indices in this case, we can store much more complex data by storing it in a
// gpuCacheVoxelGrid and storing its index in SpatialGrid if needed.
class gpuCacheVoxelGrid : public SpatialGrid {
typedef SpatialGrid ParentClass;
const unsigned int numTriangles;
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices;
const float* srcPositions;
gridPoint3<int>* indexArrayRange;
gpuCacheVoxelGrid( const MBoundingBox &bound, const gridPoint3<int> &numVoxels, unsigned int thisNumTriangles, const index_t* thisSrcTriangleVertIndices, const float* thisSrcPositions):
SpatialGrid( bound, numVoxels ),
~gpuCacheVoxelGrid() override;
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<unsigned int> &br ) const;
void getTris( MIntArray &triArray, const gridPoint3<int> &grid);
float getMemoryFootprint() override;
void addTrianglesToGrid();
struct TbbBuildVoxelGrid {
const gpuCacheVoxelGrid *gpuGrid;
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<unsigned int>& br ) const {
for (unsigned int j = br.begin(); j != br.end(); j++) {
index_t idx0=gpuGrid->srcTriangleVertIndices[3*j]*3;
index_t idx1=gpuGrid->srcTriangleVertIndices[3*j+1]*3;
index_t idx2=gpuGrid->srcTriangleVertIndices[3*j+2]*3;
MPoint vertex1(gpuGrid->srcPositions[idx0],gpuGrid->srcPositions[idx0+1],gpuGrid->srcPositions[idx0+2]);
MPoint vertex2(gpuGrid->srcPositions[idx1],gpuGrid->srcPositions[idx1+1],gpuGrid->srcPositions[idx1+2]);
MPoint vertex3(gpuGrid->srcPositions[idx2],gpuGrid->srcPositions[idx2+1],gpuGrid->srcPositions[idx2+2]);
//create bbox for this tri
MBoundingBox bbox;
//expand bbox by 1%
MPoint expandAmount(0.01 * bbox.width(),0.01 * bbox.height(),0.01 * bbox.depth());
MBoundingBox bbox2(bbox.min()-expandAmount,bbox.max()+expandAmount);
gpuGrid->getVoxelRange( bbox2, gpuGrid->indexArrayRange[j*2], gpuGrid->indexArrayRange[j*2+1] );
TbbBuildVoxelGrid( const gpuCacheVoxelGrid *thisGpuGrid ) : gpuGrid(thisGpuGrid) {}
TbbBuildVoxelGrid( const TbbBuildVoxelGrid &thisTbbVoxelGrid ) : gpuGrid(thisTbbVoxelGrid.gpuGrid) {}
~TbbBuildVoxelGrid() {}
void gpuCacheVoxelGrid::addTrianglesToGrid() {
indexArrayRange = new gridPoint3<int>[2*numTriangles];
TbbBuildVoxelGrid tbbBVG(this);
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<unsigned int>(0, numTriangles, 100), tbbBVG, tbb::auto_partitioner());
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numTriangles; j++) {
const gridPoint3<int>& minIndices = indexArrayRange[j*2];
const gridPoint3<int>& maxIndices = indexArrayRange[j*2+1];
// add current triangle to all these voxels
for( int x = minIndices[0]; x <= maxIndices[0]; x++ ) {
for( int y = minIndices[1]; y <= maxIndices[1]; y++ ) {
for( int z = minIndices[2]; z <= maxIndices[2]; z++ ) {
MUintArray *indices = getVoxelContents( gridPoint3<int>(x,y,z) );
indices->append( j );
delete [] indexArrayRange;
void gpuCacheVoxelGrid::getTris( MIntArray &triArray,
const gridPoint3<int> &gridLocation)
// Description:
// Get the triangles in the specified grid location.
MUintArray *values = getVoxelContents( gridLocation );
unsigned int numTriangles = values->length();
// preallocate max possible size to avoid continual reallocs in loop below
if(triArray.length() < numTriangles){
unsigned int nAdded = 0;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++ ) {
unsigned int index = (*values)[i];
triArray[nAdded] = index;
// shrink logical size down to actual size
if(triArray.length() > nAdded){
// Description:
// Get the memory footprint for this derived class. This value is the size
// of this class(which is 0 i nthis case) plus the size of the base class.
float totalClassSize = ParentClass::getMemoryFootprint();
return totalClassSize;
// PART 4:
// - finally, defines the gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision class, the top-level
// class for accessing the accelerated ray intersect functionality.
// - class also provides some performance tracking and reporting
// statistics, so users can tell how much they are paying in terms
// of time and space for the accelerated intersections
class SimpleTimer
SimpleTimer() {};
void startTimer()
fStartTime = GetMilliCount();
double elapsedTime()
return GetMilliSpan();
int GetMilliCount()
timeb tb;
ftime( &tb );
int nCount = tb.millitm + (tb.time & 0xfffff) * 1000;
return nCount;
int GetMilliSpan()
int nSpan = GetMilliCount() - fStartTime;
if ( nSpan < 0 )
nSpan += 0x100000 * 1000;
return nSpan;
int fStartTime;
// performance counters
// total number of spatial subdivisions currently in existence in Maya
int gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::fsTotalNumActiveSpatialSubdivisions = 0;
// total number of spatial subdivisions that have been created
// during this Maya session
int gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::fsTotalNumCreatedSpatialSubdivisions = 0;
// total amount of memory used for the currently existing spatial
// subdivisions
float gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::fsTotalMemoryFootprint = 0.0;
// peak memory footprint of all active subdivisions at any time
float gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::fsPeakMemoryFootprint = 0.0;
// total amount of time that has been spent building spatial acceleration
// structures since Maya was started. This counter is never reset during
// a Maya session.
float gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::fsTotalBuildTime = 0.0;
unsigned int numTriangles, const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices, const float* srcPositions,
const MBoundingBox& bounds/*bbox for the whole mesh*/,
int trianglesPerVoxel,
const gridPoint3<int>& minVoxels,
const gridPoint3<int>& maxVoxels
// Description:
// Comes up with an estimate of the number of grid cells in
// x, y, and z necessary to subdivide the given poly in order
// that each grid cell contain roughly "trianglesPerVoxel" triangles.
// The number of voxel subdivisions returned will be clamped to the
// specified minVoxels and maxVoxels value.
// Notes:
// We have found that a trianglesPerVoxel value around 10 works well,
// and that subdividing more than 100x100x100 rarely increases performance,
// as the cost of walking the voxel structure overwhelms the ray
// intersection cost.
// The algorithm analyzes average triangle bounding box sizes along
// the x, y, and z axes to decide how big to make the voxels in order
// to contain the specified number of triangles, on average.
gridPoint3<int> res;
// take the cube root of the desired number of triangles to figure
// out roughly how many to place along each axis
float trianglesAlongAxis = powf( float(trianglesPerVoxel), 0.33f );
// compute the average sizes of triangle bounding boxes along each
// dimension
float totalSize[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numTriangles; j++) {
index_t idx0=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*j]*3;
index_t idx1=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*j+1]*3;
index_t idx2=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*j+2]*3;
MPoint vertex1(srcPositions[idx0],srcPositions[idx0+1],srcPositions[idx0+2]);
MPoint vertex2(srcPositions[idx1],srcPositions[idx1+1],srcPositions[idx1+2]);
MPoint vertex3(srcPositions[idx2],srcPositions[idx2+1],srcPositions[idx2+2]);
// get bounding box for triangle
MBoundingBox triBound;
triBound.expand( vertex1 );
triBound.expand( vertex2 );
triBound.expand( vertex3 );
totalSize[0] += triBound.width();
totalSize[1] += triBound.height();
totalSize[2] += triBound.depth();
float boundSize[3] = {
// for each dimension...
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
// average triangle size along that dimension...
float avgSize = totalSize[i] / numTriangles;
// size of required number of triangles in each voxel
float voxelSize = avgSize * trianglesAlongAxis;
// number of voxels that should result in the proper distribution
// along this dimension
float numVoxels = boundSize[i] / voxelSize;
// clamp to provided min/max values
int iNumVoxels;
if( numVoxels < minVoxels[i] )
iNumVoxels = minVoxels[i];
else if( numVoxels > maxVoxels[i] )
iNumVoxels = maxVoxels[i];
iNumVoxels = (int)ceil(numVoxels);
res[i] = iNumVoxels;
return res;
const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MBoundingBox bounds,
const gpuCacheIsectAccelParams& accelParams
: fAccelParams(accelParams)
// Description:
// This constructor builds an acceleration structure for the
// given gpuCache, organized by the given acceleration parameters.
// Currently, the only type of grid supported is a uniform grid.
// To avoid numerical problems, expand each triangle's bounding
// box by 1% before adding it to the grid. This ensures that
// we won't miss intersections where the triangle lies exactly
// on a voxel boundary.
// timing probe
SimpleTimer myTimer;
if( (accelParams.fAlgorithm == gpuCacheIsectAccelParams::kUniformGrid) ||
(accelParams.fAlgorithm == gpuCacheIsectAccelParams::kAutoUniformGrid) )
gridPoint3<int> numSub;
// for the straight uniform grid, just use the number of subdivisions
// passed in, but for the auto uniform grid compute the number of
// subdivisions based on average triangle density
if( fAccelParams.fAlgorithm == gpuCacheIsectAccelParams::kAutoUniformGrid )
// we use 12 triangles/voxel, as this seems to produce
// a good number of voxels from an efficiency standpoint.
// Any subdivisions past 100x100x100 are usually not helpful
numSub = computeBoundsFromTriangleDensity( numTriangles, srcTriangleVertIndices, srcPositions,
gridPoint3<int>(100,100,100) );
numSub = gridPoint3<int>( fAccelParams.fDivX,
fAccelParams.fDivZ );
// Create the voxel grid and load it with our triangle data.
fVoxelGrid = new gpuCacheVoxelGrid( bounds, numSub, numTriangles, srcTriangleVertIndices, srcPositions);
// update performance counters. We need to do this regardless of
// the verbosity setting. The user can turn verbosity on/off, so
// we need to make sure that the stats are always correct.
fMemoryFootprint = fVoxelGrid->getMemoryFootprint();
fBuildTime = (float)myTimer.elapsedTime();
fsTotalMemoryFootprint += fMemoryFootprint;
if( fsTotalMemoryFootprint > fsPeakMemoryFootprint )
fsPeakMemoryFootprint = fsTotalMemoryFootprint;
fsTotalBuildTime += fBuildTime;
// Description:
// Frees the voxel grid. The grid can also be freed at other times,
// such as when it needs to be rebuilt due to frame change,
// or a change in acceleration parameters.
void gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::deleteVoxelGrid()
// Description:
// Frees the voxel grid.
if( fVoxelGrid != NULL )
// update global stats to reflect removal of this structure
fsTotalMemoryFootprint -= fMemoryFootprint;
// free the grid
delete fVoxelGrid;
fVoxelGrid = NULL;
struct TbbFindClosestEdgePoint {
MPoint closestPoint;
double minDist;
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices;
const float* srcPositions;
const MIntArray &triArray;
const MPoint &rayPoint;
const MVector &rayDirection;
void reset() {
closestPoint = MPoint::origin;
minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
TbbFindClosestEdgePoint( const index_t * thisSrcTriangleVertIndices, const float *thisSrcPositions, const MPoint &thisRayPoint, const MVector &thisRayDirection, const MIntArray &thisTriArray) :
srcTriangleVertIndices(thisSrcTriangleVertIndices), srcPositions(thisSrcPositions), rayPoint(thisRayPoint), rayDirection(thisRayDirection), triArray(thisTriArray) {
TbbFindClosestEdgePoint(const TbbFindClosestEdgePoint& fCEP, tbb::split) :
srcTriangleVertIndices(fCEP.srcTriangleVertIndices), srcPositions(fCEP.srcPositions), rayPoint(fCEP.rayPoint), rayDirection(fCEP.rayDirection), triArray(fCEP.triArray) {
void operator()(tbb::blocked_range<size_t> r) {
size_t end=r.end();
for( size_t j=r.begin(); j!=end; ++j ) {
int triIndex = triArray[j];
index_t idx0=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*triIndex]*3;
index_t idx1=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*triIndex+1]*3;
index_t idx2=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*triIndex+2]*3;
MPoint vertex1(srcPositions[idx0],srcPositions[idx0+1],srcPositions[idx0+2]);
MPoint vertex2(srcPositions[idx1],srcPositions[idx1+1],srcPositions[idx1+2]);
MPoint vertex3(srcPositions[idx2],srcPositions[idx2+1],srcPositions[idx2+2]);
MPoint clsPoint;
double dist = gpuCacheIsectUtil::getEdgeSnapPointOnTriangle(rayPoint,rayDirection,vertex1,vertex2,vertex3,clsPoint);
minDist = dist;
closestPoint = clsPoint;
void join( TbbFindClosestEdgePoint &other ) {
if(other.minDist < minDist ) {
minDist = other.minDist;
closestPoint = other.closestPoint;
// find closest point to a ray on a set of triangles
double gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::getEdgeSnapPoint(const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& rayPoint,
const MVector& rayDirection,
MIntArray& triArray,
MPoint& closestPoint)
TbbFindClosestEdgePoint fCP( srcTriangleVertIndices, srcPositions, rayPoint, rayDirection, triArray );
tbb::parallel_reduce(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, triArray.length()), fCP );
closestPoint = fCP.closestPoint;
return fCP.minDist;
// find closest point to a ray on the entire surface
double gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::getEdgeSnapPoint(const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& rayPoint,
const MVector& rayDirection,
MPoint& closestPoint)
MBoundingBox bbox = fVoxelGrid->getBounds();
std::set< gridPoint3<int> > potentialVoxels;
gridPoint3<int> numVoxelsByAxis = fVoxelGrid->getNumVoxels();
int numVoxels = numVoxelsByAxis[0] * numVoxelsByAxis[1] * numVoxelsByAxis[2];
MPoint voxSizes(bbox.width()/numVoxelsByAxis[0],bbox.height()/numVoxelsByAxis[1],bbox.depth()/numVoxelsByAxis[2]);
MPoint expandAmount = 0.1*voxSizes;
double minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
bool *checkedBox = new bool[numVoxels];
double *allDists = new double[numVoxels];
gridPoint3<int> closestGridPoint;
for (int i=0;i<numVoxelsByAxis[0];i++) {
for (int j=0;j<numVoxelsByAxis[1];j++) {
for (int k=0;k<numVoxelsByAxis[2];k++) {
gridPoint3<int> gridLocation = gridPoint3<int>(i,j,k);
MUintArray *values = fVoxelGrid->getVoxelContents( gridLocation );
int linearIndex = k * (numVoxelsByAxis[0] * numVoxelsByAxis[1]) + j * numVoxelsByAxis[0] + i;
checkedBox[linearIndex] = false;
MPoint c1 = bbox.min() + MPoint(i*voxSizes[0],j*voxSizes[1],k*voxSizes[2]);
MPoint c2 = c1 + voxSizes;
MBoundingBox voxBox(c1-expandAmount, c2+expandAmount);
MPoint queryPoint;
allDists[linearIndex] = gpuCacheIsectUtil::getEdgeSnapPointOnBox(rayPoint,rayDirection,voxBox,queryPoint);
if(allDists[linearIndex] < minDist){
minDist = allDists[linearIndex];
closestGridPoint = gridLocation;
else {
allDists[linearIndex] = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (int i=0;i<numVoxelsByAxis[0];i++) {
for (int j=0;j<numVoxelsByAxis[1];j++) {
for (int k=0;k<numVoxelsByAxis[2];k++) {
int linearIndex = k * (numVoxelsByAxis[0] * numVoxelsByAxis[1]) + j * numVoxelsByAxis[0] + i;
minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
std::set< gridPoint3<int> >::iterator voxelIt = potentialVoxels.begin();
gridPoint3<int> gridLoc = *voxelIt;
int linearIndex = gridLoc[2] * (numVoxelsByAxis[0] * numVoxelsByAxis[1]) + gridLoc[1] * numVoxelsByAxis[0] + gridLoc[0];
if(allDists[linearIndex]>minDist) continue;
MIntArray triArray;
fVoxelGrid->getTris( triArray, gridLoc );
MPoint clsPoint;
double dist = getEdgeSnapPoint(numTriangles,srcTriangleVertIndices,srcPositions,rayPoint, rayDirection,triArray,clsPoint);
minDist = dist;
closestPoint = clsPoint;
for (int i=0;i<numVoxelsByAxis[0];i++){
for (int j=0;j<numVoxelsByAxis[1];j++){
for (int k=0;k<numVoxelsByAxis[2];k++) {
int linearIndex = k * (numVoxelsByAxis[0] * numVoxelsByAxis[1]) + j * numVoxelsByAxis[0] + i;
if(!checkedBox[linearIndex] && allDists[linearIndex]<=minDist){
delete[] checkedBox;
delete[] allDists;
return minDist;
struct TbbFindClosestPoint {
bool foundPoint;
MPoint closestPoint;
double minDist;
const index_t *srcTriangleVertIndices;
const float *srcPositions;
const MIntArray &triArray;
const MPoint &queryPoint;
void reset() {
foundPoint = false;
closestPoint = MPoint::origin;
minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
TbbFindClosestPoint( const index_t * thisSrcTriangleVertIndices, const float *thisSrcPositions, const MIntArray &thisTriArray, const MPoint &thisQueryPoint ) :
srcTriangleVertIndices(thisSrcTriangleVertIndices), srcPositions(thisSrcPositions), triArray(thisTriArray), queryPoint(thisQueryPoint) {
TbbFindClosestPoint(const TbbFindClosestPoint& fCP, tbb::split) :
srcTriangleVertIndices(fCP.srcTriangleVertIndices), srcPositions(fCP.srcPositions), triArray(fCP.triArray), queryPoint(fCP.queryPoint) {
void operator()(tbb::blocked_range<size_t> r) {
int end=r.end();
for( int j=r.begin(); j!=end; ++j ) {
int triIndex = triArray[j];
index_t idx0=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*triIndex]*3;
index_t idx1=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*triIndex+1]*3;
index_t idx2=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*triIndex+2]*3;
MPoint vertex1(srcPositions[idx0],srcPositions[idx0+1],srcPositions[idx0+2]);
MPoint vertex2(srcPositions[idx1],srcPositions[idx1+1],srcPositions[idx1+2]);
MPoint vertex3(srcPositions[idx2],srcPositions[idx2+1],srcPositions[idx2+2]);
MPoint clsPoint;
if(gpuCacheIsectUtil::getClosestPointOnTri(queryPoint, vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, clsPoint, minDist)){
closestPoint = clsPoint;
foundPoint = true;
void join( TbbFindClosestPoint &other ) {
if( other.foundPoint && other.minDist < minDist ) {
foundPoint = true;
minDist = other.minDist;
closestPoint = other.closestPoint;
bool gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::closestPointToPoint(const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& queryPoint,
MIntArray& triArray,
MPoint& closestPoint)
TbbFindClosestPoint fCP( srcTriangleVertIndices, srcPositions, triArray, queryPoint );
tbb::parallel_reduce(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, triArray.length()), fCP );
if( fCP.foundPoint ) {
closestPoint = fCP.closestPoint;
return true;
return false;
void gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::closestPointToPoint(const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& queryPoint,
MPoint& closestPoint)
double minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
//Find voxel you are in
std::set< gridPoint3<int> > potentialVoxels;
std::set< gridPoint3<int> > checkedVoxels;
gridPoint3<int> gridLocOrg;
bool foundPoint = false;
int expandVox = 0;
while (!foundPoint)
std::set< gridPoint3<int> >::iterator voxelIt = potentialVoxels.begin();
gridPoint3<int> gridLoc = *voxelIt;
MIntArray triArray;
fVoxelGrid->getTris( triArray, gridLoc );
MPoint clsPoint;
double dist = queryPoint.distanceTo(clsPoint);
minDist = dist;
closestPoint = clsPoint;
foundPoint = true;
gridPoint3<int> gridLocMin;
gridPoint3<int> gridLocMax;
fVoxelGrid->getClosestVoxelCoords(MPoint(queryPoint[0] - dist, queryPoint[1] - dist, queryPoint[2] - dist),gridLocMin);
fVoxelGrid->getClosestVoxelCoords(MPoint(queryPoint[0] + dist, queryPoint[1] + dist, queryPoint[2] + dist),gridLocMax);
for(int i=gridLocMin[0]; i<=gridLocMax[0]; i++) {
for(int j=gridLocMin[1]; j<=gridLocMax[1]; j++) {
for(int k=gridLocMin[2]; k<=gridLocMax[2]; k++) {
gridPoint3<int> gridLocNew = gridPoint3<int>(i,j,k);
if(fVoxelGrid->isValidVoxel(gridLocNew) && checkedVoxels.find(gridLocNew) == checkedVoxels.end()) {
for(int i=-expandVox; i<=expandVox; i++) {
for(int j=-expandVox; j<=expandVox; j++) {
for(int k=-expandVox; k<=expandVox; k++) {
gridPoint3<int> gridLocNew = gridLocOrg + gridPoint3<int>(i,j,k);
if(fVoxelGrid->isValidVoxel(gridLocNew) && checkedVoxels.find(gridLocNew) == checkedVoxels.end()) {
struct TbbFindClosestIntersection {
bool foundIntersection;
MPoint closestIntersection;
MVector closestNormal;
double minDist;
const index_t *srcTriangleVertIndices;
const float *srcPositions;
const MIntArray &triArray;
const MPoint &raySource;
const MVector &rayDirection;
void reset() {
foundIntersection = false;
closestIntersection = MPoint::origin;
closestNormal = MVector::zero;
minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
TbbFindClosestIntersection( const index_t * thisSrcTriangleVertIndices, const float *thisSrcPositions, const MIntArray &thisTriArray, const MPoint &thisRaySource, const MVector &thisRayDirection ) :
srcTriangleVertIndices(thisSrcTriangleVertIndices), srcPositions(thisSrcPositions), triArray(thisTriArray), raySource(thisRaySource), rayDirection(thisRayDirection) {
TbbFindClosestIntersection(const TbbFindClosestIntersection& fCIS, tbb::split) :
srcTriangleVertIndices(fCIS.srcTriangleVertIndices), srcPositions(fCIS.srcPositions), triArray(fCIS.triArray), raySource(fCIS.raySource), rayDirection(fCIS.rayDirection) {
void operator()(tbb::blocked_range<size_t> r) {
int end=r.end();
for( int i=r.begin(); i!=end; ++i ) {
int triIndex = triArray[i];
index_t idx0=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*triIndex]*3;
index_t idx1=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*triIndex+1]*3;
index_t idx2=srcTriangleVertIndices[3*triIndex+2]*3;
MPoint vertex1(srcPositions[idx0],srcPositions[idx0+1],srcPositions[idx0+2]);
MPoint vertex2(srcPositions[idx1],srcPositions[idx1+1],srcPositions[idx1+2]);
MPoint vertex3(srcPositions[idx2],srcPositions[idx2+1],srcPositions[idx2+2]);
MVector c0, c1, rhs, crossc1c2, crossc0rhs;
double beta, gamm, t, M;
c0 = vertex1 - vertex2;
c1 = vertex1 - vertex3;
rhs = vertex1 - MVector(raySource);
crossc1c2 = c1 ^ rayDirection;
crossc0rhs = c0 ^ rhs;
M = c0 * crossc1c2;
if (M==0) continue;
t = -(c1 * crossc0rhs)/M;
if (t < 0.0 || t > minDist) continue;
beta = (rhs * crossc1c2)/M;
if (beta < 0 || beta > 1) continue;
gamm = (rayDirection * crossc0rhs)/M;
if (gamm < 0 || gamm > 1 - beta) continue;
//Passed all tests
minDist = t;
closestIntersection = raySource + t * rayDirection;
closestNormal = (c0 ^ c1).normal();
foundIntersection = true;
void join( TbbFindClosestIntersection &other ) {
if( other.foundIntersection && other.minDist < minDist ) {
foundIntersection = true;
minDist = other.minDist;
closestIntersection = other.closestIntersection;
closestNormal = other.closestNormal;
MStatus gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::closestIntersection(
const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& origin,
const MVector& direction,
const MIntArray& triArray,
float maxParam,
MPoint& closestIsect,
MVector& isectNormal
TbbFindClosestIntersection fCIS( srcTriangleVertIndices, srcPositions, triArray, origin, direction );
tbb::parallel_reduce(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, triArray.length()), fCIS );
if( fCIS.foundIntersection ) {
closestIsect = fCIS.closestIntersection;
isectNormal = fCIS.closestNormal;
MStatus gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::closestIntersection(
const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& origin,
const MVector& direction,
float maxParam,
MPoint& closestIsect,
MVector& isectNormal
// Purpose: Returns the closest intersection of the given ray with the
// contents of the intersection structure (which is assumed
// to be triangles from the given ShapeNode).
// Parameters:
// numTriangles - number of triangles for the model
// srcTriangleVertIndices - pointer to the index buffer that has triangle indices
// srcPositions - pointer to the vertex buffer that has vertex positions
// origin - origin of the ray
// direction - direction of the ray
// maxParam - maximum parametric distance along the ray at which
// an intersection will be considered valid.
// closestIsect - receives the closest valid intersection, if one is
// found.
// isectNormal - receives the surface normal at the closest valid intersection,
// if one is found.
// Returns:
// MStatus::kSuccess if a valid hit was found
// MStatus::kFailure otherwise.
// If a hit was found, closestIsect and isectNormal will be set to the
// position and surface normal at the intersection.
// walks the grid voxels
SpatialGridWalker it = fVoxelGrid->getRayIterator( origin, direction );
maxParam = fabs(maxParam);
while( !it.isDone() )
// exit if the current voxel is past the maximum distance for hits
if( it.curVoxelStartRayParam() > maxParam )
// consider the current voxel's contents
gridPoint3<int> gridLoc = it.gridLocation();
MIntArray triArray;
fVoxelGrid->getTris( triArray, gridLoc);
if ( triArray.length() > 0 ) {
// make sure we only consider hits that lie within this voxel,
// otherwise we might get an incorrect result for the closest
// hit
float voxelMaxParam = std::min( it.curVoxelEndRayParam(), maxParam );
// intersect the ray with the current voxel's triangles
if( MStatus::kSuccess == closestIntersection( numTriangles, srcTriangleVertIndices, srcPositions, origin, direction,
triArray, voxelMaxParam, closestIsect, isectNormal ) )
float gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::getMemoryFootprint()
// Description:
// Returns the total amount of memory used by this structure.
return fMemoryFootprint;
float gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::getBuildTime()
// Description:
// Returns the total number of seconds used to build this structure
return fBuildTime;
MString gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::getDescription( bool includeStats )
// Description:
// Returns a string describing the structure. The description will
// look something like:
// 10x10x10 Uniform Grid
// or
// 10x11x23 Auto-Configured Uniform Grid
// If includeStats is true, the memory footprint and build time (in
// seconds) will be appended to the description string.
gridPoint3<int> numVoxels = fVoxelGrid->getNumVoxels();
char buf[512];
if( fAccelParams.fAlgorithm == gpuCacheIsectAccelParams::kUniformGrid )
sprintf( buf, "%dx%dx%d Uniform Grid", numVoxels[0],
numVoxels[2] );
else if( fAccelParams.fAlgorithm == gpuCacheIsectAccelParams::kAutoUniformGrid )
sprintf( buf, "%dx%dx%d Auto-Configured Uniform Grid",
numVoxels[0], numVoxels[1], numVoxels[2] );
MString resultStr( buf );
if( includeStats )
char buf2[512];
sprintf( buf2, "build time %.2fs", fBuildTime );
MString buildTimeStr( buf2 );
sprintf( buf2, "memory footprint %.2fKB", fMemoryFootprint );
MString footprintStr( buf2 );
resultStr += MString(", (") + buildTimeStr + MString("), (") +
footprintStr + MString(")");
return resultStr;
MString gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::systemStats()
// Description:
// Returns an informative string describing the total resource
// usage for all spatial subdivisions in the system. The string
// looks something like:
// total 10 isect accelerators, total build time = 5.13s, total memory = 1510.6KB
char buf[1024];
sprintf( buf, "total %d isect accelerators created (%d currently active - "
"total current memory = %.2f KB), total build time = %f ms, "
"peak memory = %.2f KB\n",
fsPeakMemoryFootprint );
return MString(buf);
void gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision::resetSystemStats()
// Description:
// Resets the global statistics counters for the following:
// - total number of spatial subdivisions created so far
// - peak memory usage of all spatial subdivisions
// - total build time for all spatial subdivisions
fsTotalNumCreatedSpatialSubdivisions = 0;
fsTotalBuildTime = 0.0f;
fsPeakMemoryFootprint = 0.0f;
const gpuCacheIsectAccelParams& accelParams
// Description:
// Determines whether this accelerator was built with parameters
// identical to the given ones.
if( fVoxelGrid != NULL )
return (fAccelParams == accelParams) ? true : false;
return false;