C++ API Reference
OpenMayaRender - API module for rendering


class  MColorManagementNodes
 Utilities for manipulating color manageable nodes. More...
class  MColorManagementUtilities
 Utilities for obtaining color management information. More...
class  MColorManagementUtilities::MColorTransformData
 Utility class that retrieves the opaque data containing the color transform information needed to render the scene. More...
class  MColorPickerCallback
 Helper class for the color picking mechanism. More...
class  MColorPickerUtilities
 Utilities for the Color Picker. More...
class  MCommonRenderSettingsData
 Data container for common rendering settings. More...
class  MComponentDataIndexing
 Class for storing index mapping when vertices are shared. More...
class  MComponentDataIndexingList
 A list of MIndexBufferDescriptor objects. More...
class  MD3D9Renderer
 MD3D9Renderer is a wrapper class to provide access to Maya's DirectX resources. More...
class  MLightParameterInformation
 A class for providing lighting information that may be used with Viewport 2.0. More...
class  MPassContext
 Class to allow access to pass context information. More...
class  MDrawContext
 Class to allow access to hardware draw context information. More...
class  MDrawProcedureBase
 This class provides an interface through which a plug-in can be writen to implement a class to provide custom hardware drawing effects. More...
class  MDrawRegistry
 Access the registry associating node types with custom implementations. More...
class  MFnImageSource
 Function set for image sources. More...
class  MFnRenderLayer
 Function set for render layer. More...
class  MFnRenderPass
 Function set for render passes. More...
class  MFragmentManager
 Provides facilities for managing fragments for use with Viewport 2.0. More...
struct  MFrameContext::EnvironmentParams
 Struct for environment map parameters. More...
struct  MFrameContext::HwFogParams
 Struct for hardware fog parameters. More...
struct  MFrameContext::BackgroundParams
 Background parameters. More...
struct  MFrameContext::DOFParams
 Depth-of-field parameters. More...
struct  MFrameContext::RenderOverrideInformation
 Render override information. More...
class  MFrameContext
 This class contains some global information for the current render frame. More...
class  MGeometryLegacy
 MGeometryLegacy stores the collection of MGeometryData arrays which describe a Maya surface, including per-component data such as UV mapping and colour. More...
class  MGeometryData
 This class allows storage of arbitrary data which is formated to be specifically suitable for usage using a 3D display interface such as OpenGL. More...
class  MGeometryExtractor
 Class for extracting renderable geometry. More...
class  MGeometryList
 This class holds the set of data elements which represent a Maya surface. More...
class  MGeometryManager
 This class provides methods for managing MGeometry resources. More...
class  MGeometryPrimitive
 MGeometryPrimitive is a class describes the topology used for accessing MGeometryData. More...
class  MGeometryRequirementsLegacy
 MGeometryRequirementsLegacy stores the collection of MGeometryRequirementsData arrays which describe a Maya surface, including per-component data such as UV mapping and colour. More...
class  MGLFunctionTable
 The best cross platform alternative for drawing in Viewport 2.0 is via MHWRender::MVertexBuffer, MHWRender::MPxGeometryOverride, and other classes providing an abstraction from the underlying hardware API. More...
class  MHardwareRenderer
 Static hardware renderer interface class. More...
class  MGeometry
 Class for working with geometric structures used to draw objects. More...
class  MVertexBufferDescriptor
 Describes properties of a vertex buffer. More...
class  MVertexBufferDescriptorList
 A list of MVertexBufferDescriptor objects. More...
class  MVertexBuffer
 Vertex buffer for use with MGeometry. More...
class  MVertexBufferArray
 Array of Vertex buffers. More...
class  MIndexBufferDescriptor
 MIndexBufferDescriptor describes an indexing scheme. More...
class  MIndexBufferDescriptorList
 A list of MIndexBufferDescriptor objects. More...
class  MIndexBuffer
 Index buffer for use with MGeometry. More...
class  MGeometryIndexMapping
 A mapping of geometry index. More...
class  MRenderItem
 A single renderable entity. More...
class  MRenderItemList
 A list of MRenderItem objects. More...
class  MGeometryRequirements
 Geometry requirements. More...
class  MGeometryUtilities
 Utilities for Viewport 2.0. More...
class  MHwrCallback
 Rendering Callbacks. More...
class  MHwTextureManager
 The MHwTextureManager provides an interface for loading and using hardware textures. More...
class  MLightLinks
 Class providing read-only Light Linking API functions. More...
class  MPxComponentConverter
 Base class for user defined component converter. More...
class  MPxDrawOverride
 Base class for user defined drawing of nodes. More...
class  MPxGeometryOverride
 Base for user-defined classes to prepare geometry for drawing. More...
class  MPxImagePlaneOverride
 Base class for user defined image plane draw overrides. More...
class  MPxIndexBufferMutator
 Base class for user defined index buffer mutators. More...
class  MPxPrimitiveGenerator
 Base class for user defined primitive generators. More...
class  MPxRenderer
 Base class for plugin renderers. More...
class  MPxRenderer::ProgressParams
 Parameters for reporting progress of a task. More...
class  MPxRenderer::RefreshParams
 Parameters for doing refresh of the view when new image data is available. More...
class  MPxRenderer::JobParams
 Parameters for starting a new job. More...
class  MPxRenderPassImpl
 Render pass implementation. More...
struct  MPxShaderOverride::MInitContext
 Initialization context used by advanced initalization method. More...
struct  MPxShaderOverride::MInitFeedback
 Data to pass back to Maya after initialization. More...
class  MPxShaderOverride
 Base class for user defined shading effect draw overrides. More...
class  MAttributeParameterMapping
 Class for defining relationship between Maya attributes and fragment parameters. More...
class  MAttributeParameterMappingList
 A list of MAttributeParameterMapping objects. More...
class  MPxShadingNodeOverride
 Base class for user defined shading node overrides. More...
class  MSubSceneContainer
 Container for render items generated by MPxSubSceneOverride. More...
class  MPxSubSceneOverride
 Base class for Viewport 2.0 drawing of DAG nodes which represent sub-scenes. More...
class  MPxSurfaceShadingNodeOverride
 Base class for user defined surface shading node overrides. More...
class  MPxVertexBufferGenerator
 Base class for user defined vertex buffer generators. More...
class  MPxVertexBufferMutator
 Base class for user defined vertex buffer generators. More...
struct  MPxViewportComputeItem::Actions
 A bitmask storing a set of actions. More...
class  MPxViewportComputeItem
 Virtual base class for user viewport compute. More...
class  MRenderCallback
 Rendering Callbacks. More...
class  MRenderData
 Access Rendering Data. More...
class  MRenderingInfo
 Information to perform rendering into a hardware render target. More...
class  MRenderParameters
 Class which defines a set of render parameters. More...
class  MRenderPassDef
 Render pass information. More...
class  MRenderPassRegistry
 Access the render pass registry. More...
class  MRenderProfile
 Render profile. More...
class  MRenderSetup
 Utilities for obtaining render setup information. More...
class  MRenderShadowData
 Access Rendering Shadow Map Data. More...
class  MRenderTargetLegacy
 MRenderTargetLegacy is a class contains information about a given hardware render target. More...
class  MRenderTargetDescription
 Class which provides a description of a hardware render target The name is the unique identifier for a render target. More...
class  MRenderTarget
 An instance of a render target that may be used with Viewport 2.0. More...
class  MRenderTargetManager
 Provides access to MRenderTarget objects for use in Viewport 2.0. More...
class  MRenderUtil
 Common API rendering functions. More...
class  MRenderUtilities
 Utilities for Viewport 2.0. More...
class  MRenderView
 Static class providing Render View API functions. More...
class  MSelectionContext
 Class to allow control on Viewport 2.0 selection behavior. More...
class  MIntersection
 Describes the intersection of a selection hit. More...
class  MSelectionInfo
 Class to allow access to the selection state information. More...
struct  MTextureAssignment
 Structure to hold the information required to set a texture parameter on a shader using a texture as input. More...
struct  MRenderTargetAssignment
 Structure to hold the information required to set a texture parameter on a shader using a render target as input. More...
struct  MShaderCompileMacro
 Structure to define a shader compiler macro. More...
class  MShaderInstance
 An instance of a shader that may be used with Viewport 2.0. More...
class  MShaderManager
 Provides access to MShaderInstance objects for use in Viewport 2.0. More...
class  MStateManager
 Class to allow efficient access to GPU state information. More...
class  MBlendState
 Container class for an acquired GPU blend state. More...
class  MTargetBlendDesc
 Descriptor for a blend state for a single render target. More...
class  MBlendStateDesc
 Descriptor for a complete blend state. More...
class  MRasterizerState
 Container class for an acquired complete GPU rasterizer state. More...
class  MRasterizerStateDesc
 Descriptor for a complete rasterizer state. More...
class  MDepthStencilState
 Container class for an acquired complete GPU depth stencil state. More...
class  MStencilOpDesc
 Descriptor for a depth-stencil operation. More...
class  MDepthStencilStateDesc
 Descriptor for a complete depth-stencil state. More...
class  MSamplerState
 Container class for an acquired complete GPU sampler state. More...
class  MSamplerStateDesc
 Descriptor for a complete sampler state. More...
class  MSwatchRenderBase
 Swatch Render Base class. More...
class  MSwatchRenderRegister
 Manages swatch generators. More...
class  MTexture
 Class which includes texture data. More...
class  MTextureArguments
 Class which includes texture arguments. More...
class  MTextureManager
 Class which manages texture. More...
class  MUIDrawManager
 Main interface for drawing basic UI drawables in Viewport 2.0 and Hardware Renderer 2.0. More...
class  MUniformParameter
 Uniform parameter. More...
class  MUniformParameterList
 Uniform Parameter. More...
class  MUserData
 Virtual base class for user data caching. More...
class  MVaryingParameter
 Geometric data cache. More...
class  MVaryingParameterList
 Geometric data cache. More...
class  MRenderOperation
 Class which defines a rendering operation. More...
class  MRenderOperationList
 Base class for holding a list of MRenderOperations. More...
class  MUserRenderOperation
 Class which defines a user defined rendering operation. More...
class  MHUDRender
 Class which defines rendering the 2D heads-up-display. More...
class  MPresentTarget
 Class which defines the operation of presenting a target for final output. More...
class  MClearOperation
 Class which defines the operation of clearing render target channels. More...
class  MSceneRender
 Class which defines a scene render. More...
class  MQuadRender
 Class which defines a 2d geometry quad render. More...
class  MRenderOverride
 Base class for defining a rendering override. More...
class  MRenderScriptCallback
 Class which defines a callback that can be executed from a script fragment. More...
class  MRenderer
 Main interface class to the Viewport 2.0 renderer. More...
class  MViewportRenderer
 MViewportRenderer is a class which represents a hardware viewport renderer. More...

Detailed Description