C++ API Reference
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// Produces the MEL command "iffPixel".
// This command takes as arguments the name of an IFF file and the x and y co-ordinates of a pixel in the image.
// It returns the r/g/b/a values at that pixel. For example: "iffPixel sphere.iff 100 210".
#include <maya/MPxCommand.h>
#include <maya/MStatus.h>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MObject.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include "iffreader.h"
#ifndef __APPLE__
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#define IFFCHECKERR(stat, call) \
if (!stat) { \
MString string = reader.errorString(); \
string += " in method "; \
string += #call; \
displayError (string); \
return MS::kFailure; \
class iffPixel : public MPxCommand
~iffPixel() override;
MStatus doIt ( const MArgList& args ) override;
MStatus redoIt () override;
MStatus undoIt () override;
bool isUndoable() const override;
static void* creator();
int r,g,b,a;
float d;
bool useDepth;
iffPixel::~iffPixel() {}
void* iffPixel::creator()
return new iffPixel;
bool iffPixel::isUndoable() const
return true;
MStatus iffPixel::undoIt()
return MS::kSuccess;
MString itoa (int n)
char buffer [256];
sprintf (buffer, "%d", n);
return MString (buffer);
MStatus iffPixel::doIt( const MArgList& args )
MString componentName;
if (args.length () < 3 || args.length () > 4) {
displayError ("Syntax: iffPixel file x y [-depth]");
return MS::kFailure;
int x,y;
MString fileName;
args.get (0, fileName);
args.get (1, x);
args.get (2, y);
if (args.length () == 4)
MString lastArg;
args.get (3, lastArg);
if (lastArg != MString ("-depth")) {
displayError ("Syntax: iffPixel file x y [-depth]");
return MS::kFailure;
useDepth = true;
useDepth = false;
IFFimageReader reader;
MStatus stat;
stat = reader.open (fileName);
IFFCHECKERR (stat, open);
int w,h;
stat = reader.getSize (w,h);
IFFCHECKERR (stat, getSize);
if (x < 0 || x > w || y < 0 || y > h) {
MString message ("Co-ordinates out of range. Size of image is ");
message += itoa (w);
message += "+";
message += itoa (h);
displayError (message);
return MS::kFailure;
stat = reader.readImage ();
IFFCHECKERR (stat, readImage);
if (useDepth)
if (!reader.hasDepthMap ()) {
displayError ("Image has no depth map");
return MS::kFailure;
stat = reader.getDepth (x,y,&d);
if (!reader.isRGB () && !reader.isGrayscale ()) {
displayError ("Image has no RGB data");
return MS::kFailure;
stat = reader.getPixel (x,y,&r,&g,&b,&a);
IFFCHECKERR (stat, getPixel);
stat = reader.close ();
IFFCHECKERR (stat, close);
return redoIt();
MStatus iffPixel::redoIt()
if (useDepth) {
appendToResult (d);
} else {
appendToResult( r );
appendToResult( g );
appendToResult( b );
appendToResult( a );
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
status = plugin.registerCommand( "iffPixel", iffPixel::creator );
if (!status)
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
status = plugin.deregisterCommand( "iffPixel" );
if (!status)
return status;