C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
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// lockEvent.cpp
// This plug-in demonstrates the API callbacks for node and plug locking.
// These callbacks allow you to receive notification when the locked
// status of a plug or node is queried internally. The API programmer has
// option, upon receipt of the callback, to 'override' the lock state of
// node or plug. This is 'override' is controlled via a 'decision' variable
// passed into the callback function. The variable can hold two values
// 1) decision = true --> You want to accept the lock state and do
// whatever the internal default behavior is.
// 2) decision = false --> You want to deny the lock state and do the
// opposite of what Maya would usually do.
// The flow of execution would be as follows ...
// 1) Received a callback from Maya.
// 2) What kind of event is this?
// 3) Do I want to allow this event?
// |-- 4) Yes, I do not want to OVERRIDE this event. decision = true.
// |-- 4) No, I want to OVERRIDE this event. decision = false.
// 5) Return from callback.
// Example usage:
// sphere ;
// // Watch the translateX plug on the sphere we just created ...
// lockEvent -a 3 nurbsSphere1.translateX;
// // Do not allow any changes to the plug.
// lockEvent -o true
// // Now you can try changes nurbsSphere1.translateX 's value
// // but you will not be allowed to do so.
// //
// setAttr "nurbsSphere1.translateX" 22
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MPxCommand.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MArgDatabase.h>
#include <maya/MMessage.h>
#include <maya/MLockMessage.h>
#include <maya/MObject.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MFn.h>
#include <maya/MItSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MStringArray.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MCallbackIdArray.h>
// Macro Definitions
#define MEL_COMMAND_NAME "lockEvent"
#define VENDOR_TAG "Autodesk"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0"
#define checkStdError(stat,msg) \
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat ) { \
cerr << msg; \
return MS::kFailure; \
// Flags
// Clear the registered callbacks ...
#define kClearCBLong "-clearCB"
#define kClearCB "-ccb"
#define kClearCBDV false
// Toggle the override flag. Dictates if we should
// obey the lock or override the lock
#define kOverrideLong "-override"
#define kOverride "-o"
#define kOverrideDV false
// Attach a new callback to a node.
#define kAttachLong "-attach"
#define kAttach "-a"
#define kAttachDV 0
// Macro used to save a little typing
#define MLM MLockMessage
// Class Definition
class lockEvent : public MPxCommand
lockEvent( );
~lockEvent( ) override;
MStatus doIt( const MArgList & ) override;
MStatus parseArgs( const MArgList &args );
MCallbackId installCallback( MItSelectionList & );
static MSyntax newSyntax( );
static void* creator( );
// Clear callback ids
static bool clearCallbackIds();
MSelectionList theList;
unsigned int fAttach;
bool fOverrideFlag, fOverrideVal, fClearCB;
static MCallbackIdArray callbackIds;
static bool overrideMode = false;
// Callback for DAG locking events.
void lockDagDecision( MDagPath &path, MDagPath &other,
void *clientData, MLM::LockDAGEvent,
bool &decision );
// Other, node related events ..
void lockDecision( MObject &node, MObject &aux,
void *clientData, MLM::LockEvent,
bool &decision );
// Events relating to plugs.
void plugDecision( MPlug &p1, MPlug &p2,
void *clientData, MLM::LockPlugEvent,
bool &decision );
// Callback for global watchers (i.e. watch all plugs on a node).
void nodePlugDecision( MPlug &p1, MPlug &p2,
void *clientData, MLM::LockPlugEvent,
bool &decision );
// Standard API entry and exit points.
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj );
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj );
// --------
lockEvent::lockEvent( ) :
lockEvent::~lockEvent( )
MCallbackId lockEvent::installCallback( MItSelectionList &iter )
// Description:
// Uses given iterator and callback type to attach a new callback on
// a node, dag path, or plug. The selection iterator must contain a
// valid selection item for the target callback type (fAttach). That is,
// if the callback type is three, then the iterator must contain
// a dependency node on it the next list item.
MStatus status;
MCallbackId id = 0;
MObject node, component;
MDagPath path;
switch (fAttach) {
case 1: {
status = iter.getDependNode( node );
if ( status ) {
// Try to set the callback. Note: we check the status
// flag at the end of the switch statement.
id = MLM::setNodeLockQueryCallback( node, lockDecision,
NULL, &status );
} break;
case 2: {
status = iter.getDagPath( path, component );
if ( status ) {
// Try to set the callback. Note: we check the status
// flag at the end of the switch statement.
id = MLM::setNodeLockDAGQueryCallback( path, lockDagDecision,
NULL, &status );
} break;
case 3: {
status = iter.getDependNode( node );
MStringArray plugName;
iter.getStrings( plugName );
// Now we have to parse the plug string.
if ( status && plugName.length() > 0 ) {
MFnDependencyNode depNode( node );
MStringArray attrName;
plugName[0].split( '.', attrName );
MPlug plug = depNode.findPlug( attrName[1], true, &status );
if ( status ) {
// Try to set the callback. Note: we check the status
// flag at the end of the switch statement.
id = MLM::setPlugLockQueryCallback( plug, plugDecision,
NULL,&status );
} else {
status = MS::kFailure;
} break;
case 4: {
status = iter.getDependNode( node );
if ( status ) {
// Try to set the callback. Note: we check the status
// flag at the end of the switch statement.
id = MLM::setPlugLockQueryCallback( node, nodePlugDecision,
NULL, &status );
} break;
MGlobal::displayError( "Invalid callback attach type" );
status = MS::kFailure;
MFnDependencyNode fnNode( node );
// Check the status flag here and report any particular problems
// encountered. It is possible for the callback attach routines
// to fail.
// This typically occurs when a callback has already been attached
// to the node or plug.
if ( !status || !id ) {
MString msg;
msg = "Unable to add callback for node ";
msg += fnNode.name();
status.perror( msg );
} else {
// Store the result -- so we can clean up later -- and
// echo some useful information.
cerr << "Callback attached to " << fnNode.name();
cerr << "; attachment type = " << fAttach << endl;
callbackIds.append( (int)id );
return id;
MStatus lockEvent::doIt( const MArgList &args )
// Description:
// Entry point
MStatus status;
int result = 0;
// First check our arguments
if ( !parseArgs( args ) ) {
return MS::kFailure;
if ( fAttach ) {
MItSelectionList iter( theList, MFn::kDependencyNode, &status );
for ( ; status && !iter.isDone(); iter.next() ) {
MCallbackId id = installCallback( iter );
if ( id ) {
result ++;
} else {
status = MS::kFailure;
} else if ( fOverrideFlag ) {
// What to do when callback occurs.
overrideMode = fOverrideVal;
} else if ( fClearCB ) {
// Let the caller know if the operation was successful.
// We just use an integer value here. Anything > 0 is
// a success.
setResult( result );
return status;
void *lockEvent::creator( )
// Description:
// Create a new instance of this command.
return new lockEvent;
MStatus lockEvent::parseArgs( const MArgList &args )
MStatus status;
MArgDatabase argData( syntax(), args );
fAttach = kAttachDV;
fOverrideFlag = kOverrideDV;
fClearCB = kClearCBDV;
// begin-parse-args
if ( argData.isFlagSet( kClearCB ) ) {
fClearCB = !kClearCBDV;
if ( argData.isFlagSet( kOverride ) ) {
bool tmp;
status = argData.getFlagArgument( kOverride, 0, tmp );
if ( !status ) {
MGlobal::displayError( "override flag parsing failed" );
return status;
fOverrideFlag = !kOverrideDV;
fOverrideVal = tmp;
if ( argData.isFlagSet( kAttach ) ) {
unsigned int tmp;
status = argData.getFlagArgument( kAttach, 0, tmp );
if ( !status ) {
MGlobal::displayError( "attach flag parsing failed" );
return status;
fAttach = tmp;
if ( fAttach ) {
status = argData.getObjects( theList );
if ( theList.length() == 0 ) {
MString msg = "You must specify a node/plug to attach to!";
status = MS::kFailure;
// Ensure that the caller did not specify too many arguments!
if ( status && fAttach && fOverrideFlag ) {
MString msg = "You specified too many flags!" ;
status = MS::kFailure;
// end-parse-args
return status;
MSyntax lockEvent::newSyntax( )
MSyntax syntax;
// begin-syntax
syntax.addFlag( kClearCB, kClearCBLong );
syntax.addFlag( kOverride, kOverrideLong, MSyntax::kBoolean );
syntax.addFlag( kAttach, kAttachLong, MSyntax::kUnsigned );
syntax.useSelectionAsDefault( true );
// end-syntax
return syntax;
void nodePlugDecision( MPlug &p1, MPlug &p2,
void *clientData, MLM::LockPlugEvent event,
bool &decision )
// Description:
// The watcher for plug callbacks on entire nodes. This callback
// is invoked whenever lock query occurs on any plug in a node.
MString msg, eventString;
msg = "nodePlugDecision called";
// Echo the received event type.
switch (event) {
case MLM::kPlugLockAttr:
eventString = "kPlugLockAttr";
case MLM::kPlugUnlockAttr:
eventString = "kPlugUnlockAttr";
case MLM::kPlugAttrValChange:
eventString = "kPlugAttrValChange";
case MLM::kPlugRemoveAttr:
eventString = "kPlugRemoveAttr";
case MLM::kPlugRenameAttr:
eventString = "kPlugRenameAttr";
case MLM::kPlugConnect:
eventString = "kPlugConnect";
case MLM::kPlugDisconnect:
eventString = "kPlugDisconnect";
eventString = "kLastPlug";
cerr << msg << "; event = " << eventString;
cerr << "; override = " << overrideMode << endl;
decision = !overrideMode;
void plugDecision( MPlug &p1, MPlug &p2,
void *clientData, MLM::LockPlugEvent event,
bool &decision )
// Description:
// Callback function for plug locking events. This callback
// is only invoked when the plug, p1, has its lock status
// queried. This callback shares the same event types
// as the nodePlugDecision callback.
MString msg, eventString;
msg = "plugDecision called";
switch (event) {
case MLM::kPlugLockAttr:
eventString = "kPlugLockAttr";
case MLM::kPlugUnlockAttr:
eventString = "kPlugUnlockAttr";
case MLM::kPlugAttrValChange:
eventString = "kPlugAttrValChange";
case MLM::kPlugRemoveAttr:
eventString = "kPlugRemoveAttr";
case MLM::kPlugRenameAttr:
eventString = "kPlugRenameAttr";
case MLM::kPlugConnect:
eventString = "kPlugConnect";
case MLM::kPlugDisconnect:
eventString = "kPlugDisconnect";
eventString = "kInvalidPlug";
cerr << msg << "; event = " << eventString;
cerr << "; override = " << overrideMode << endl;
decision = !overrideMode;
void lockDagDecision( MDagPath &path, MDagPath &other,
void *clientData, MLM::LockDAGEvent event,
bool &decision )
// Description:
// Callback that is invoked whenever a DAG element is involved
// in a locking event.
MString eventString;
cerr << "lockDagDecision called ";
switch (event) {
case MLM::kGroup:
eventString = "kGroup";
case MLM::kUnGroup:
eventString = "kUnGroup";
case MLM::kReparent:
eventString = "kReparent";
case MLM::kChildReorder:
eventString = "kChildReorder";
case MLM::kCreateNodeInstance:
eventString = "kCreateNodeInstance";
case MLM::kCreateChildInstance:
eventString = "kCreateChildInstance";
case MLM::kCreateParentInstance:
eventString = "kCreateParentInstance";
case MLM::kInvalidDAG:
eventString = "kInvalid";
cerr << "on " << eventString << " event";
cerr << "; overrideMode = " << overrideMode << endl;
decision = !overrideMode;
void lockDecision( MObject &node, MObject &attr,
void *clientData, MLM::LockEvent event,
bool &decision )
// Description:
// All other lock callback events are convered in this routine.
// This includes everything that is not DAG related.
MString eventString;
cerr << "lockDecision called ";
switch ( event ) {
case MLM::kDelete:
eventString = "kDelete";
case MLM::kRename:
eventString = "kRename";
case MLM::kLockNode:
eventString = "kLockNode";
case MLM::kUnlockNode:
eventString = "kUnlockNode";
case MLM::kAddAttr:
eventString = "kAddAttr";
case MLM::kRemoveAttr:
eventString = "kRemoveAttr";
case MLM::kRenameAttr:
eventString = "kRemoveAttr";
case MLM::kUnlockAttr:
eventString = "kUnlockAttr";
case MLM::kLockAttr:
eventString = "kLockAttr";
case MLM::kInvalid:
eventString = "kInvalid";
cerr << "on " << eventString << " event";
cerr << "; overrideMode = " << overrideMode << endl;
decision = !overrideMode;
bool lockEvent::clearCallbackIds( )
// Description:
// Removes all currently attached callbacks.
unsigned int idCount = callbackIds.length();
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < idCount; i ++ ) {
cerr << "callback #" << i << "; id = " << (unsigned)callbackIds[i] << endl;
MMessage::removeCallback( (MCallbackId) callbackIds[i] );
return true;
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
// Load the plugin ...
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, VENDOR_TAG, PLUGIN_VERSION, "Any" );
status = plugin.registerCommand( MEL_COMMAND_NAME,
lockEvent::newSyntax );
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )
// Unload the plugin ...
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
MStatus status;
status = plugin.deregisterCommand( MEL_COMMAND_NAME );
if ( status ) {
return status;