C++ API Reference
#ifndef _adskRepresentations_h_
#define _adskRepresentations_h_
#include <maya/MPxRepresentation.h>
#include "adskRepresentationFactory.h"
* CLASS CacheRepresentation
// Representation which uses a gpuCache node to implement its behavior.
class CacheRepresentation : public MPxRepresentation {
/*----- types and enumerations ----*/
typedef MPxRepresentation BaseClass;
/*----- classes -----*/
// Cache representation input is the path to the Alembic file.
class Factory : public AdskRepresentationFactory {
/*----- types and enumerations ----*/
typedef AdskRepresentationFactory BaseClass;
/*----- member functions -----*/
Factory() : BaseClass(CacheRepresentation::type()) {}
~Factory() override {}
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name, const MString& data
) const override;
// Cache representation name is the file base name, including
// extension (i.e. directory component removed).
MString creationName(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const override;
// Cache representation label is the same as the representation name.
MString creationLabel(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const override;
// Cache representation persistent data is the input, i.e. the
// path to the Alembic file.
MString creationData(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const override;
/*----- static member functions -----*/
static MString type();
/*----- member functions -----*/
// Construct. The representation data is the path to the Alembic
// file.
CacheRepresentation( MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name );
~CacheRepresentation() override;
bool activate() override;
MString getType() const override;
void getExternalContent( MExternalContentInfoTable& table ) const override;
) override;
/*----- member functions -----*/
// Assignment optor undefined.
CacheRepresentation& operator=(const CacheRepresentation&);
* CLASS SceneRepresentation
// Representation which imports nodes from a Maya file.
class SceneRepresentation : public MPxRepresentation {
/*----- types and enumerations ----*/
typedef MPxRepresentation BaseClass;
/*----- classes -----*/
// Scene representation input is the path to the Maya scene file.
class Factory : public AdskRepresentationFactory {
/*----- types and enumerations ----*/
typedef AdskRepresentationFactory BaseClass;
/*----- member functions -----*/
Factory() : BaseClass(SceneRepresentation::type()) {}
~Factory() override {}
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name, const MString& data
) const override;
// Scene representation name is the file base name, including
// extension (i.e. directory component removed).
MString creationName(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const override;
// Scene representation label is the same as the representation name.
MString creationLabel(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const override;
// Scene representation persistent data is the input, i.e. the
// path to the Maya scene file.
MString creationData(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const override;
/*----- static member functions -----*/
static MString type();
/*----- member functions -----*/
// Construct. The representation data is the path to the Maya
// scene file.
SceneRepresentation( MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name );
~SceneRepresentation() override;
// Populate the container with nodes imported from the file
// associated with this representation.
bool activate() override;
MString getType() const override;
// This representation type can apply edits.
bool canApplyEdits() const override;
void getExternalContent( MExternalContentInfoTable& table ) const override;
) override;
/*----- member functions -----*/
// Assignment optor undefined.
SceneRepresentation& operator=(const SceneRepresentation&);
* CLASS LocatorRepresentation
// Representation which uses a locator node to implement its behavior.
class LocatorRepresentation : public MPxRepresentation {
/*----- types and enumerations ----*/
typedef MPxRepresentation BaseClass;
/*----- classes -----*/
// Locator representation has empty input, which means that
// initially there is no annotation.
class Factory : public AdskRepresentationFactory {
/*----- types and enumerations ----*/
typedef AdskRepresentationFactory BaseClass;
/*----- member functions -----*/
Factory() : BaseClass(LocatorRepresentation::type()) {}
~Factory() override {}
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name, const MString& data
) const override;
// Locator representation creation name is "Locator".
MString creationName(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const override;
// Locator representation label is the same as the representation name.
MString creationLabel(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const override;
// Locator representation persistent data is its annotation.
MString creationData(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const override;
/*----- static member functions -----*/
static MString type();
/*----- member functions -----*/
// Construct. The representation data is the locator text
// annotation, which is initially empty (no annotation).
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name, const MString& data
~LocatorRepresentation() override;
bool activate() override;
MString getType() const override;
/*----- member functions -----*/
// Assignment optor undefined.
LocatorRepresentation& operator=(const LocatorRepresentation&);
/*----- data members -----*/
const MString fAnnotation; // Locator text annotation.
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy
// form.