C++ API Reference
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// Produces the MEL command "userMessage" that demonstrates how a plug-in
// can use user-defined messages.
// This example demonstrates the usage of the MUserEventMessage class.
// It allows the user to create, destroy, and post to user-defined events
// identified by strings.
// The command "userMessage" supports the following options:
// -r/-register string : Register a new event type with the given name.
// Registration also attaches two callback functions to the event:
// userCallback1 and userCallback2.
// -d/-deregister string : Deregister an existing event with the given name.
// -p/-post string : Post the event. In this case, it simply notifies
// userCallback1 and userCallback2, which print info messages.
// -t/-test : Run a basic set of tests that demonstrate how the user event
// types can be used. See userMessage::runTests()
// Only one option must be specified per invocation.
// Following is an example of how the command can be used:
// // Register a user-defined event named "test". The plug-in will internally register
// // callbacks for the event.
// userMessage -r test;
// // Post to the user-defined event. The plug-in prints info messages from the callbacks.
// userMessage -p test;
// // Entered userMessage::userCallback2
// // Received data: Sample Client Data (an MString object)
// // Entered userMessage::userCallback1
// // Received data: Sample Client Data (an MString object)
// // Deregister the user-defined event
// userMessage -d test;
// // Trying to post a message after the event has been removed will fail.
// userMessage -p test;
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MStatus.h>
#include <maya/MPxCommand.h>
#include <maya/MMessage.h>
#include <maya/MUserEventMessage.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MArgDatabase.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
// Syntax string definitions
static const char *postFlag = "-p";
static const char *postLongFlag = "-post";
static const char *registerFlag = "-r";
static const char *registerLongFlag = "-register";
static const char *deregisterFlag = "-d";
static const char *deregisterLongFlag = "-deregister";
static const char *testFlag = "-t";
static const char *testLongFlag = "-test";
class userMessage : public MPxCommand
MStatus doIt( const MArgList& ) override;
void runTests();
static void *creator();
static MSyntax newSyntax();
// callback functions.
static void userCallback1(void* clientData);
static void userCallback2(void* clientData);
static MString stringClientData;
// Define a string that will be passed to the callback functions
MString userMessage::stringClientData = "Sample Client Data (an MString object)";
MStatus userMessage::doIt( const MArgList& args )
MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args);
if (argData.isFlagSet(deregisterFlag))
MString event;
argData.getFlagArgument(deregisterFlag, 0, event);
else if (argData.isFlagSet(registerFlag))
// Register the new event and add two fixed callbacks to it.
MString event;
argData.getFlagArgument(registerFlag, 0, event);
if (status == MS::kSuccess)
MUserEventMessage::addUserEventCallback(event,userCallback1,(void*) &stringClientData,&status);
MUserEventMessage::addUserEventCallback(event,userCallback2,(void*) &stringClientData,&status);
else if (argData.isFlagSet(postFlag))
MString event;
argData.getFlagArgument(postFlag, 0, event);
else if (argData.isFlagSet(testFlag))
return status;
void* userMessage::creator()
return new userMessage;
MSyntax userMessage::newSyntax() {
MSyntax syntax;
syntax.addFlag( postFlag, postLongFlag, MSyntax::kString );
syntax.addFlag( registerFlag, registerLongFlag, MSyntax::kString );
syntax.addFlag( deregisterFlag, deregisterLongFlag, MSyntax::kString );
syntax.addFlag( testFlag, testLongFlag );
return syntax;
void userMessage::userCallback1(void* clientData) {
MGlobal::displayInfo("Entered userMessage::userCallback1");
if (clientData != 0)
MString receivedDataMsg(MString("Received data: ") + *((MString*) clientData));
void userMessage::userCallback2(void* clientData) {
MGlobal::displayInfo("Entered userMessage::userCallback2");
if (clientData != 0)
MString receivedDataMsg(MString("Received data: ") + *((MString*) clientData));
void userMessage::runTests() {
MStatus status;
// Test 1: Try to register callback for nonexistent event
MGlobal::displayInfo("Starting Test 1");
if (!status) {
MGlobal::displayInfo("Test 1 passed");
else {
MGlobal::displayInfo("Test 1 failed");
// Test 2: Register and deregister an event
// - Expected output: Entered userMessage::userCallback1
MGlobal::displayInfo("Starting Test 2");
// Test 3: The event should be gone
MGlobal::displayInfo("Starting Test 3");
if (!status) {
MGlobal::displayInfo("Test 3 passed");
else {
MGlobal::displayInfo("Test 3 failed");
// Test 4: Try adding multiple callbacks to an event
// Expected output: Entered userMessage::userCallback1
// Entered userMessage::userCallback2
MGlobal::displayInfo("Starting Test 4");
// Test 5: Try adding and posting to multiple events
// Expected output: Posting first event
// Entered userMessage::userCallback1
// Entered userMessage::userCallback2
// Posting second event
// Entered userMessage::userCallback1
// Entered userMessage::userCallback2
MGlobal::displayInfo("Starting Test 5");
MGlobal::displayInfo("Posting first event");
MGlobal::displayInfo("Posting second event");
MGlobal::displayInfo("Completed all tests");
// standard initialize and uninitialize functions
MStatus initializePlugin(MObject obj)
// Version number may need to change in the future
MFnPlugin pluginFn(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "6.0");
MStatus status;
status = pluginFn.registerCommand("userMessage", userMessage::creator, userMessage::newSyntax);
if( !status)
status.perror("register Command failed");
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin ( MObject obj )
MFnPlugin pluginFn(obj);
MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
//remove call backs
status = pluginFn.deregisterCommand("userMessage");
return status;