Selection of Column Buckling Model

The 'Buckling Model' option allows for setting buckling parameters for the designed column. It is available from:

Once the option is selected, a dialog box shown below will appear on the screen.

The above dialog box is used to:

Note: If buckling for a given direction is not considered, the column length in that direction is still significant. It is used e.g. for calculation of not intended eccentricities.

The program allows saving defined parameters of a buckling model in the form of a set of parameters, and then using it to ensure faster definition of a buckling model in successive structure elements. To save a parameter set (or modify the predefined Standard set), after setting selected model parameters the user should press the Save As button in the above dialog box and specify a name of a new set. A set will be added to the list of buckling models. To remove a set from the list, the user should select it on the available list and press the Delete button.

The interpretation of buckling directions (shown on the example of Direction Y)

The designation Direction Y corresponds to buckling in the direction that causes an increase of the My moment (about the Y axis), in other words, it refers to buckling of a column from the vertical plane XY. Thus for the direction Y the eccentricity in the direction of the Z axis is considered. It is illustrated schematically in the drawing below.

Note: If a column loaded to the RC design module from a structure model is considered, directions adopted in the RC column reinforcement module correspond to directions of the bar local system in a structure.

The dialog box consists of three main parts:

Note: Changing any parameter in the dialog box and accepting it with the OK button results in losing previous calculation results (if any) and closing the appropriate dialog boxes (if any are open).

The Direction Y and Direction Z fields belong to the same group of options - separately for the directions: Y and Z. The description of the option mechanism will be based on the Direction Y example. The icon corresponding to the buckling model for the direction Y is located on the left side of the field. Once this icon is selected, an additional dialog box will be opened and the selection of the required buckling model can be made (Selection of the buckling model). Once the Buckling Model dialog box is open the icon corresponds to the currently selected model. After changing the model to a new one, the Ly and Ly / Lo values will be set as default ones corresponding to the current column dimensions. If a value of the buckling length coefficient is entered manually, the icon representing a buckling model will be replaced by an icon indicating a user-specified value.