
Click Criteria in the Reinforcement Pattern dialog on the General tab to determine optimization criteria taken into account in calculations of deep-beam or wall reinforcement. This option is accessible for distributed reinforcement in the form of wire fabrics or wire fabrics and bars.

Select from the following optimization criteria used in calculations of deep-beam or wall reinforcement.

Weight of used steel - The weight of wire fabric is considered in the optimization. The solution being the least weight of the steel is searched.

Number of panels - The optimization considers the number of wire fabric sheets from which the defined wire fabrics are cut out. The solution being the least use of the whole wire fabric sheets is searched.

Number of cuts - The number of cuts in wire fabric sheets is considered in the optimization. The solution being the least number of cuts in wire fabric sheets is searched.

The slider on each option enables definition of the importance factor for the optimization criteria. This factor may adopt values from the interval <0, 1>.

0 - The criterion is insignificant for calculations of reinforcement.

1 - An important criterion for calculations of reinforcement.

In addition, it should be emphasized that the order of the optimization criteria plays a significant role in calculation. The importance factors for the criteria listed should be unique.