Base Mesh Points

Open the Base points of the mesh dialog using either of the following methods:

Use this dialog to determine panel points that are the basis for generating a finite element mesh using the Coons' method.

Use this option to generate mesh by means of the Coons' method. Coons' surfaces are 3D surfaces spreading over quadrilateral or triangular contours, whose opposite edges are divided into the identical number of segments. The shape of each created element corresponds to the shape of the contour on which the mesh is generated. This method consists of connecting, by means of straight lines, all points created on a selected contour edge with the points located on the opposite contour edge. Vertical and horizontal lines create 2 sets of points. The point of intersection of each pair of horizontal and vertical lines defines the end positioning of a node within a contour, as shown.

For simple panel shapes, the base points are defined automatically. For more complex shapes (such as the plate shown), location of base mesh points should be determined manually.

To define the base points of a finite element mesh:

  1. Select a panel
  2. Determine the type of panel geometry (for triangular, only 3 base points will be defined; for quadrilateral, 4 base points will be defined):
    • Triangular shape
    • Quadrilateral shape

      For consecutive base points on the quadrilateral panel shape define:

      first base point -

      second base point -

      third base point -

      fourth base point -

  3. Indicate 3 or 4 base points (depending on the panel geometry) - a description of a base point consists of the number of a contour point and the coordinates of that point
  4. Click Apply.

After the contour is selected and a panel shape is determined, you define the parameters of Coons' method (see Job Preferences > Meshing Options) as well as the division parameters. The division parameters (division1 and division 2) describe the number of elements that will be created on the first contour edge (between the first and the second contour corner) and the second contour edge (between the second and third contour corner). The number of corners you define depends on the selected contour shape. The contour edges opposite the edges with defined divisions will be divided automatically, so that the division corresponds to the defined division. For triangular contours, the edge division between the first and third contour corners is the same as that between the second and third corners. For quadrilateral contours, the division between the third and fourth contour corners is the same as that between the first and second corners. The division between the first and fourth corners is the same as that between the second and third corners, as shown.