Envelope Display Options

This topic describes some options for controlling how envelopes display in the viewports.

Interactive Redraw

By default, Interactive Redraw, an option in the Envelope and Bulge sub-object levels, is turned off. After you change an envelope, the mesh is refreshed when you release the mouse button. Turn this option on for interactive viewing of how envelopes and bulges are affecting vertices. As you adjust the envelopes, the vertices move to show the effects of the resized envelopes

Changing Display Options

You can change the display settings for envelopes and their component parts. Click the associated color sample to open the Color Selector and change color setting for:

Choose Initial Skeletal Pose if you want to work in the position of the mesh and its skeleton at the time Physique was applied. Returning to this pose can be useful if the display becomes confused with the effects of unassigned vertices when the character moves through an animation.