The modifier stack ("stack" for short) contains the accumulated history of an object, including its creation parameters and the modifiers applied to it. If a modifier or object has sub-objects, such as Vertex and Edge with editable poly objects, you can access these directly within the stack.
Upper part of Modify panel, with modifier stack (white outline)
Adjust a selected object's creation parameters:
Primitive objects have a Parameters rollout. Other types of objects, such as editable poly, have a variety of rollouts.
Remove a modifier from a selected object:
Do one of the following:
Disable the effect of a modifier on a selected object:
When you first apply a modifier to an object, the modifier is enabled by default. When a modifier is enabled, its light-bulb icon in the stack is white, as depicted in the preceding illustration.
Do one of the following:
Clicking the icon toggles it between on and off.
Alternatively, choose Off In Viewport or Off In Renderer to disable the modifier in one context but not the other.
Enable the effect of a modifier on a selected object:
Do one of the following:
Clicking the icon toggles it between on and off.
Resize the modifier stack display vertically:
The cursor changes to an up-and-down resize arrow, as it does at the horizontal edges of a resizable window.
Use the modifier buttons:
This menu item is a toggle. It is either on or off. When you turn on Show Buttons, the current button set appears between the drop-down modifier list and the stack display.
Convert a selected modified object to an editable object:
Do one of the following:
A dialog opens, warning you that the collapse operation cannot be undone, and gives you the option of performing a Hold before converting the object.
Adjust a modifier's component such as its gizmo or center point:
The component highlights to show it is active.
For example, you might use transforms to move a gizmo or a center point.
Access a sub-object level for a complex object:
The sub-object level highlights to show it is active.
When you add a new sub-object type, the modifier stack updates to show the new sub-object levels. For example, when you add a point curve sub-object to a NURBS surface, the Point and Curve sub-object levels appear in the stack.