Working with XRef Bipeds

Using the XRef Objects dialog, you can externally reference bipeds in your scene. This lets you work efficiently in a collaborative environment because the changes that the artist applies to his source XRef biped updates your main scene content. See XRef Objects for more information.

Externally Referencing a Biped

When you create an XRef biped, certain modes on the Motion Panel's Biped rollout become unavailable as XRef data is read-only:

As a result, you need to go back to the source scene in order to make desired changes to your biped.

Example: Changing the Structure of an Xref Biped

An integrator externally references a biped into his main scene. He discovers that the biped does not have the right number of spine and neck links, and that the arm links are too short to reach a specific goal target. Because Figure Mode is unavailable in the main scene, the artist currently in the source scene inputs the changes to the biped's structure, and then saves his file. This update now reflects in the main scene.

Example: Modifying the Footsteps of an Xref Biped

An integrator externally references a biped into his main scene. He sees the footstep animation but cannot edit it because Footstep Mode is unavailable. The artist currently in the source scene goes into Footstep Mode and alters the animation. This update now reflects in the main scene.

XRef Layer

Externally referencing a biped automatically creates a new “XREF LAYER” in the Layers rollout, whether or not the source biped contains any animation. As a result, the original layer becomes a level one “Local Layer” which you can use to add animation on top of it.

Note: If the XRef biped contains multiple animation layers in the source scene, 3ds Max collapses them into one layer before creating the XRef.
Note: Saving animation from your XRef biped breaks the XRef link.