Biped Display Options

For greater speed in displaying bipeds, or to make your viewports less cluttered while you edit your scene, Biped lets you turn off the display of some biped elements. These display controls are found in the Motion panel Biped rollout Display group, rather than on the Display panel.

These controls allow you to quickly turn on and off the biped bones, objects and footsteps, twist links and leg states, as well as footstep numbers and trajectories. There is also a Display Preferences dialog accessed from here that lets you control which bipeds are visible during Biped Playback.

Note: The Display group is hidden by default. To display the group, click the expansion bar on the Biped rollout.


To change biped display:

  1. Go to the Motion panel.
  2. On the Biped rollout Display group, click a button corresponding to the display choices you want.
    Note: The Display group is hidden by default. To display the group, click the Modes And Display expansion bar on the Biped rollout.