Importing HTR/BVH Files

You can import HTR and BVH motion-capture files into CAT using the same method. The respective importer opens the file as a hierarchy of Box primitives with keyframes. You use the Capture Animation tool to map this motion onto your CATRig.


Load Animation:

When on, imports the full animation. When off, imports only the base pose in the motion-capture file.

Capture Animation

When on, automatically captures the animation, overlaying the new bones onto the CATRig. When off, imports the animation onto a new set of bones without affecting the CATRig.

CAM File

Click to pick a CAM file if you have already created one.

Start Time

The frame at which the imported animation begins.

Scale Factor

The scaling applied to the imported hierarchy when it is created.

Relative Bones Size

The size of the bones created upon importing.