With CAT, you can save and load poses and animation from individual body parts to entire rigs. You can save clip files from any body part; select and then right-click a rig part such as a finger or facial bone and save the animation. During loading, you can mirror, transform, and swap poses and animation.
You can save poses for whole CATRigs, hubs, arms and legs, hands and feet, fingers, toes, tails, and even sub-bone hieararchies. And you can reuse poses or animation from any body part.
When a pose or animation file is being loaded, all the load parameters are “live.” You can change the loaded file, the time of the load, or any of the parameters related to how the pose is loaded. As the artist, you can validate the loaded pose by scrubbing the time slider and view the results of the loaded pose or animation data before commiting to the result by clicking OK.
During loading, the artist has full interactive control over the transformation and mirroring of the pose or animation during load.
To help validate the loaded pose, the CATRig displays a ghost of the currently loaded pose. This lets you see the result of the loaded file as you scrub the timeline.
To save a full-rig pose:
With a hub selected, you can save a pose for an entire rig.
This opens the Save Hub Pose dialog.
To load a full-rig pose:
With a hub selected, you can load a pose for an entire rig.
This opens the Load Hub Pose dialog.
The default pose-file name is that of the rig you saved most recently.
The Save Pose dialog defines a file name and path. When using the copy and paste pose system, CAT saves pose files. The filename and location are generated automatically, but you can change these.
The name of the pose file to save. The name of the pose is generated from the name of the bodypart you are saving and the frame at which you save the file.
To change the name, edit the field, or to change the name and/or location, click the “b” button.
Click to browse for a different save path, and optionally change the file name.
Available only when saving a pose from a hub. When on, the pose is saved for the entire rig rather than just the hub.
Load Pose, like all dialogs in this feature, is non-modal. This means that you can rotate the viewport, scrub the time slider, and validate your results as you edit the parameters of the loaded pose. The only exception is that deselecting the selected bone cancels the load operation.
The name of the pose file to load.
By default, this is the most recently saved file, but you can choose a different one by clicking the button.
Expands the dialog and opens a list that shows all saved poses in the default location. Choose a different pose from the list or navigate to another location by double-clicking the <..> entry at the top of the list.
The time at which the pose will be loaded. You can edit this value interactively to change the time the animation is loaded.
Toggles whether the pose is mirrored when loaded.
Mirroring is not available when loading limb, palm, or digit poses.
Toggles whether you are loading a rig or a body-part pose. Available only when loading a hub pose.
Lets you apply a transformation to the loaded pose. Use the Pos(ition) and Rot(ation) Offset fields to enter values for the transformation of the pose data from the saved version. You can, for example, ensure that the pose is loaded in its exact original location for creating looped motions, or with a specific translation and rotation offset.
Cancels the load operation and closes the window.
If you deselect the selected CATBone, the load is automatically canceled.
Loads the pose using the current settings.
Saving and loading animation is similar to saving and loading poses.
The Save Pose dialog defines a file name and path. When using the copy and paste anim system, CAT saves clip files.
The name of the animation file to save. The name of the file is generated from the name of the bodypart you are saving and the frame at which you save the file.
To change the name, edit the field, or to change the name and/or location, click the “b” button.
Click to browse for a different save path, and optionally change the file name.
Available only when saving an animation from a hub. When on, the animation is saved for the entire rig rather than just the hub.
The first frame of the range to save.
The last frame of the range to save.