Weld Vertices/Edges (Polymesh)

Use this caddy for setting the weld threshold for vertices and edges and previewing the number of sub-objects to be welded.


Weld uses the caddy interface when Enable Caddy Controls is on; when off, the standard settings dialog is used. For details on using the caddy controls, see The Caddy Interface.

Left: the caddy interface; Right: the standard dialog

Weld Threshold

Specifies the maximum distance, in scene units, within which selected sub-objects will be welded.

Any vertex or edge that lies outside this threshold (that is, it's farther than this from the nearest vertex or edge) will not be welded.


Shows the number of vertices before and after the weld.

The After quantity updates dynamically as you change the setting.



Applies the settings to the current selection and closes the interface. Keyboard equivalent: Enter

Apply and Continue

Applies the settings to the current selection, retaining them for the preview if you then change the selection. Keyboard equivalent: Ctrl+Enter


Closes the interface without applying the settings to the current selection. Does not reverse previous uses of Apply And Continue. Keyboard equivalent: Esc