Multi-Object Editor Panel: Constraints

When one or more MassFX constraint helpers are selected in the scene, you can edit all of their properties simultaneously using the rollouts on the Multi-Object Editor panel.


The Multi-Object Editor panel rollouts for constraint settings are mostly identical to the equivalent rollouts on the Modify panel, with one exception:

There is no Connection group on the Multi-Object Editor panel General rollout, because each constraint is typically connected to different rigid bodies. Thus the Parent and Child settings found in the Connection group are usually set on an per-constraint basis on the Modify panel.

General rollout

The General rollout on the Multi-Object Editor panel provides settings for controlling constraint behavior, but not for setting connections for the reason explained preceding. See General rollout.

Translation Limits rollout

See Translation Limits rollout.

Swing & Twist Limits rollout

See Swing & Twist Limits rollout.

Spring rollout

See Spring rollout.

Advanced rollout

See Advanced rollout.