Create and use multiple Shape tool instances

How to can save different sets of options for the Shape tools in separate tool instances in the shelves and marking menu.

Create various Shape tool instances on the shelf

  1. Use the to drag a Shape tool from the palette to a shelf.

    A new instance of the tool is created in the shelf.

  2. Click the new instance of the tool

    The instance is made the active tool.

    The Shape Editor opens up. It displays the same settings as the original tool in the palette.

  3. Select new values for the Shape Outline parameters.

  4. Select new values for the Shape Fill parameters.

    The new values are displayed in the Shape Editor

    The new settings are saved for this instance.

  5. Exit the tool by choosing Pick > Object .

    Pick > Object becomes the active tool, and the Shape Editor appears empty.

  6. Repeat steps 1-4 for each variation of the Shape tool you want.

Use saved Shape tool instances

  1. Open the Paint window and the Canvas Layer Editor.

  2. Select the active canvas from the pull-down menu.

  3. Create curves using any Curve tools.

  4. From these curves, create new shapes using Shape tool instances.

    Each shape is created with the settings previously saved for the tool instance that created it.