Alias Quick Tips: Customizing CV Display

Turn off CVs when you aren't using them because it...

Methods 3 or 4 below are recommended as the most efficient way to turn CVs on and off quickly.

Method 1: Control Panel Display Settings

The Control Panel > Display has two disadvantages:

Method 2: Object Display > Control

The ObjectDisplay > Control tool is mostly used to set up hotkeys or Marking menus (see below).

This tool is rarely used from the menu for just turning the CV display on and off. However, it has additional functions that are useful such as turning Keypoints on and off, and setting up the default display for new curves and surfaces.

Method 3: Marking Menus (Recommended)

The default marking menus are set up for active on and active off. If you want to change to all off, go into the option window for 'Controls Off'.

If you want to set up your own Marking Menus, drag the ObjectDisplay > Control tool onto your Marking Menu shelf twice, and modify the settings for 'on' and 'off'. Rename each instance of the tool so that it is clear which one is which.

(See Quick Tip – Customizing Marking Menus for advice on creating and saving changes to the Marking Menus.)

Method 4: Hotkey Customisation (Recommended)

Preferences > Interface > Hotkeys/Menus Editor

There is a special section of the hotkey window that offers pre-sets from the ObjectDisplay > Control tool. Be careful to select All Off, either instead of, or as well as Active Off (less useful).

You can use any key combination, but function keys are quick as there is only one key to hit. (You will need to type 'f' and '3' into the hotkey editor to enter a function key, not the 'F3' hotkey.)