To Update Standard Objects in a Project Standards Drawing From a Project Drawing

You can change a standard style or display setting in a project standards drawing by overwriting it with the corresponding style or display setting from a project drawing. When you have updated the project standard from a project drawing, the project needs to be synchronized to use the updated styles and display settings.

Note: Before you change a project standard from a project drawing, you should verify that this is the correct procedure. Once the project standard has been changed, the style or display setting will be updated in all project drawings during the next project synchronization, if automatic synchronization is selected.

To make changes to a standards drawing, you must have write access to the drawing. If a standards drawing is read-only, it is marked with a Lock icon () in Style Manager or Display Manager. You can make changes to that drawing, but you cannot save them. If you need to make changes to a locked drawing, contact the drawing owner or CAD manager.

  1. Open a project drawing from Project Navigator.
  2. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager or Display Manager.
  3. Expand the node of the project drawing, and select the standard style or display setting with which you want to update the project standards.
    Note: A standard style or display setting in a project drawing is marked with a blue icon. If a style or display setting is displayed with a gray icon, it is not a standard style or display setting. In that case, you can add it to the project standards.
  4. Right-click, and click Update Standards from Drawing. You can select multiple objects here.

    The selected style or display setting is listed in the top panel.

  5. To update the project standards from a style or display setting in the project drawing, select Update Project Standards from the Action drop-down list of the style or display setting.
  6. To not update the project standards from a style or display setting in the project drawing, select Do not Update Project Standards from the Action drop-down list of the style or display setting.

    In this case, the version in the project standards is not overwritten with the version in the project drawing. During the next synchronization of the project drawing, the style or display setting will be displayed as out of synch with the project standards.

  7. To ignore the out of synch version of the style or display setting, select Ignore from the Action drop-down list.

    In this case, the style or display setting will not be displayed in future updates, except when you select Show objects set to ignore during project standards synchronization or remove the Ignore flag from the style or display setting in Style Manager or Display Manager.

  8. Click OK.
  9. In Style Manager or Display Manager, click OK or Apply.
  10. Click Yes to save the updated project standards drawing.