To Synchronize Project Standards With Each Other

Project standard styles and display settings can be distributed among multiple standards drawings, and depend on each other. For example, the styles in a styles drawing should use the display settings from the standard display drawing. If display changes are introduced in a standard styles drawing, and not synchronized with the standard display drawing, styles can display inconsistently across the project. Therefore, you should synchronize project standards drawings with each other when changes have been made to individual standards drawings.

You can synchronize project standards drawings with each other either from the project node in Display Manager or from the Manage tab on the ribbon.

When project standards drawings are synchronized with each other, the following criteria are used to determine how the components are updated:

Synchronizing project standards drawings with each other is an automatic synchronization process, where no user interaction is possible. That means that no styles or display settings can be excluded from the synchronization process.

  1. Verify that the project of which you want to synchronize the standards is the current project.
  2. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelDisplay Manager.
  3. Select the Project Standards node in the tree view, right-click, and click Synchronize Project Standards Drawings.
  4. When the synchronization is finished, click OK to exit Display Manager.
    Note: Alternatively, you can click Manage tabProject Standards panelSynchronize Project Standards.