To Create a Column Grid Dynamically

Use this procedure to create column grids dynamically by specifying their dimensions on screen as you draw them.

  1. Open the tool palette that contains the column grid tool you want to use.

    Alternatively, you can click Home tabBuild panelColumn Grid drop-downColumn Grid.

  2. On the Properties palette, expand Dimensions, and select Yes for Specify on screen.
  3. To add columns to the grid during insertion, expand Column, and select the desired column style.
    Tip: After specifying the desired settings, you can move or hide the Properties palette to expose more of the drawing area.
  4. Specify the insertion point for the grid in the drawing.
  5. Specify the overall size of the grid by dragging the cursor to the desired size and clicking once.
  6. Drag the crosshairs inside the resulting shape vertically and horizontally to define the correct number of bays in the column grid.
    Note: The closer the crosshairs go to the left and bottom of the grid, the more spaces are created.
  7. Click once to confirm the number of vertical and horizontal bays.
  8. Specify the rotation angle of the grid, and press Enter.
  9. The column grid is inserted into the drawing according to your specifications.