About Project Schedule Properties

A project property definition can be defined in a property set definition so that an object has access to information about the project in which it is currently located.

These project properties are available:

Property Description
Name Name of the project
Description Description of the project
Number Number of the project
Location File location of the project on the hard disk or network drive
Number of Levels Total number of levels in your project
Level ID ID of the level the object is on
Level Elevation Elevation of the level the object is on
Level Height Height of the level the object is on
Number of Divisions Total number of divisions in your project
Division ID ID of the division the object is in
Sheet Name Name of the sheet drawing that contains the object
Sheet Description Description of the sheet drawing that contains the object
Details of the project: Project Data, Proposed Improvements, Site Legal Description, Owner’s Data, Site Information Sources, Public Services, Financial Data, and Method of Handling Properties for all project details