To Add Detailed Information to Project Properties

Use this procedure to add detail information to a project.

Project details are user-defined information items that can be attached to a project. Details might include contact information about contractors, legal representatives, or others. You can also use project details to track changes and improvements to the project.

You can create detail categories such as Financial Data which might contain detail items such as Loan Amount or Grant Amount. The details worksheet lets you create an information model that meets your needs.

If you create a project based on a project template, you can use the project detail categories and items from an existing project. If you create a new project without a template, no project details exist.

Note: Detailed information is saved in the project APJ file in XML format. You can open the project APJ file in an XML editor in order to edit the detail information.

Project details are not only used in the project APJ file, but are also displayed as manual properties in the schedule data of a project. You can use the details to create schedule tables for your project or build title blocks for sheets.

  1. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Project Browser .
  2. Select the project to which you want to add details, right-click, and click Project Properties.
  3. If necessary, expand Basic General and for Detailed Information click .
  4. Add or modify project details as needed:
    If you want to… Then…
    add or edit the value of the detail item enter the information in the right column of the appropriate detail row.
    add a detail category click , enter a name for the new detail category, and click OK.
    add a detail item within a detail category select the category, click , enter a name for the new detail, and press Enter.
    remove a detail item select the detail item, and click .
    remove a detail category first delete all detail items in the detail category; then select the category, and click .
  5. When you are finished editing, click OK twice.