About Display Properties of an AEC Polygon Style

In most cases, you want the appearance of AEC polygons that belong to the same style to be consistent throughout a drawing. To achieve this, you specify the display properties of the AEC polygons in each AEC polygon style:

AEC polygon components

Display components in Model view  Description
Interior Edge Inner edge of the AEC polygon.
Note: When the edge dimensions are set to 0, the interior edge is the only edge of the AEC polygon.
Exterior Edge Outer edge of the AEC polygon.
Note: When the edge dimensions are set to 0, the exterior edge is not displayed in the AEC polygon.
Interior Hatch Hatch component of the inner part of the AEC polygon.
Note: When the edge dimensions are set to 0, the interior hatch is the only hatch of the AEC polygon.
Edge Hatch Hatch component of the outer part of the AEC polygon.
Note: When the edge dimensions are set to 0, the edge hatch is not displayed in the AEC polygon.
Interior Fill The fill component of the inner part of the AEC polygon. This component is displayed only in rendered views. Make sure that for each rendered view you use either the Interior Fill and Edge Fill components of the Model display representation or the Interior Fill and Edge Fill components of the True Color display representation. If you use both display representations simultaneously, the fills are drawn on top of each other.
Edge fill The fill component of the outer part of the AEC polygon. This component is displayed only in rendered views. Make sure that for each rendered view you use either the Interior Fill and Edge Fill components of the Model display representation or the Interior Fill and Edge Fill components of the True Color display representation. If you use both display representations simultaneously, the fills are drawn on top of each other.
Note: When the edge dimensions have been set to 0, the edge fill is not displayed in a rendered AEC polygon.