To Set the Colors of the True Color Display Representation

Note: Make sure that you do not use the True Color display representation and the Model display representation of an AEC polygon simultaneously in one view. The Interior Fill and Edge Fill components of the Model display representation would be drawn on top of the Interior Fill and Edge Fill components of the True Color display representation. It is recommended that you create separate views for regular viewing and True Color renderings.
  1. Click Manage tab Style & Display panel Style Manager .
  2. Expand Multi-Purpose Objects, and expand AEC Polygon Styles.
    Note: Alternatively, you can select an AEC polygon in the drawing, and click AEC Polygon tabGeneral panelEdit Style drop-downAEC Polygon Styles.
  3. Select the style you want to edit.
  4. Click the Display Properties tab.
  5. Select the True Color display representation, and select Style Override.
  6. If necessary, click .
  7. Specify the fill properties:
    If you want… Then…
    a True Color fill for the outer part of the AEC polygon select Edge Fill, and select a color for Edge Color, or click Other to choose a different color.
    a True Color fill for the inner part of the AEC polygon select Interior Fill, and select a color for Interior Color, or click Other to choose a different color.
    Note: If the edge dimensions of the AEC polygon are set to 0, the edge fill is not displayed.