To Export Layer Standards

Use this procedure to export layer standards from the current drawing to a new drawing or to an existing drawing.

  1. If necessary, open the Layer Properties Manager by clicking Home tabLayers panelLayer Properties.
  2. Click .
  3. Click Import/Export.
  4. Export the layer standards:
    If you want to… Then…
    export layer standards to a new drawing click New, enter a name for the new drawing, and click Save.
    export layer standards to an existing drawing click Open, select a drawing, and click Open.
  5. Select the layer standards that you want to export, and click Export.

    You can select more than one item in a list by holding down Ctrl while you select the additional items. If you export a layer standard that already exists in the target drawing, a message is displayed asking if you wish to overwrite the existing layer standard. Click Yes to overwrite the existing layer standard, or click No to cancel.

  6. Click OK two times.