To Create a Frame or Mullion Override

Use this procedure to select a different element definition for a selected frame edge or mullion by using an edge assignment override.

To exchange a frame or mullion, the new definition must already be defined in the door/window assembly style.

Overriding a Door/Window Assembly frame definition

  1. Select the door/window assembly on which you want to override an edge.
  2. Click Door/Window Assembly tab Modify panel Frame/Mullion drop-down Override Assignment.
  3. Select the frame or mullion edge you want to override.
  4. Create the override:
    If you want to… Then…
    exchange the existing edge for another select a new edge definition from the list.
    remove the frame or mullion edge select Remove.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Specify where you want to save the door/window assembly override:
    If you want to… Then…
    save the override only on this specific door/window assembly no further steps are necessary. The override is saved to the door/window assembly.
    save the override to a door/window assembly style select the door/window assembly, and click Door/Window Assembly tab Modify panel Design Rules drop-down Transfer To Object.
  7. If you have chosen to save the override to a door/window assembly style, select the door/window assembly again, click Door/Window Assembly tab Modify panel Design Rules drop-down Save to Style and decide to which door/window assembly style you want to save the override.
    If you want to… Then…
    save the override to the current door/window assembly style select Transfer Edge Overrides to Style, and click OK.
    Note: If you have created only a frame or mullion edge override, only the Transfer Edge Overrides to Style check box is active. If you have also created other overrides, such as a cell merge or a division override, these check boxes are available as well. If you also want to save these overrides to the style, select their check boxes too.
    save the override to a new door/window assembly style select Transfer Edge Overrides to Style, and click New. Then, enter a name for the new door/window assembly style, and click OK.
    Note: If you have created only a frame or mullion edge override, only the Transfer Edge Overrides to Style check box is active. If you have also created other overrides, such as a cell merge or a division override, these check boxes are available as well. If you also want to save these overrides to the style, select their check boxes too.
    Note: If you do not want to save the override back to a style at all, click Door/Window Assembly tab Modify panel Design Rules drop-down Revert to Style Design Rules. The overrides remain on the door/window assembly, where they can be removed, but they are not saved back to a door/window assembly style.