Use this procedure to edit profile edges using in-place editing. With in-place editing, you can edit the door/window assembly directly and interactively in the drawing area and later save the changes to the profile definition.
This command is only available if you have profile-based edges in the door/window assembly.
If you want to… | Then… |
move or offset edges, or convert edges to arcs | move the grips as needed. The Edge grip has three edit modes: Offset, Add Vertex, and Convert to Arc. The default mode is Offset, which offsets the selected edge in a direction that is perpendicular to the midpoint of the edge. Depending on the shape of the profile and the edge you choose to modify, neighboring lines are extended or trimmed, and new lines are added, as necessary. Convert to Arc changes the selected edge to an arc and stretches the midpoint of the edge. The edge grip for an arc also has a Stretch mode, so that you can stretch the midpoint of the edge after it has been converted to an arc. |
add a vertex |
remove a vertex |
add a ring | select the profile, and click | . Then, select a closed polyline, spline, ellipse, or circle for an additional ring. Specify if you want to erase the source linework, and press Enter.
remove a ring | select the profile, and click Note: You cannot remove the last ring from a profile.
. Then select the ring you want to remove.
replace a ring | select the profile, and click | . Then, select a closed polyline, spline, ellipse, or circle for the replaced ring. Specify if you want to erase the source linework, and press Enter.
If you want to… | Then… |
change the existing profile definition to reflect the new shape | click | .
create a new profile definition with the shape you have created | Click | . Then, enter a name for the new profile and click OK. The in-place edit session is exited and the new profile definition is available in the Style Manager.
discard all changes on the profile and revert back to the previous shape | click | .