To Create a Profile for a Wall Sweep

Use this procedure to create a profile from a closed polyline. You can then sweep the profile along the length of a wall or a wall component to create a wall with a custom shape.

The height and the width of the polyline you use to create the profile define the height and the width of the wall component. The profile is not scaled when swept on the wall. The insertion point of the profile becomes the lower-left corner of the wall component.

You can also define the shape of a wall sweep as you add it to a wall, using the Start from Scratch option. You may find that option easier to use because you can define the shape in place on the wall. You may want to separately create a profile as described in this procedure if the shape is highly complex or contains many arcs.

  1. Draw a closed polyline of the shape needed for the resulting wall component.
  2. Select the polyline, right-click, and click Convert to Profile Definition.
  3. Specify the insertion point of the profile.

    The point you specify becomes the lower-left corner of the wall component.

  4. Press Enter.
  5. Enter a name for the profile, and click OK.

    You can now use the profile as a wall sweep to replace a wall component.