To Add a Multi-View Block Definition to DesignCenter

Use this procedure to add a multi-view block to DesignCenter. You can then create new multi-view blocks by dragging and dropping them from DesignCenter to your drawing. To add a multi-view block definition to DesignCenter, you need to create a DWG file using the AEC Content Wizard.

  1. On the command line, enter AECCREATECONTENT.
  2. Select Multi-View Block.
  3. Under Current Drawing, select a multi-view block definition, and click Add to add it to the Content File list.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select the layer key to use when the multi-view block is inserted, and specify any additional properties:
    If you want to… Then…
    explode the multi-view block when it is inserted in a drawing select Explode on Insert.
    specify an elevation for the multi-view block enter a value for Preset Elevation.
    associate an anchor with the multi-view block select an anchor type.
    specify the scale for the multi-view block under Scale, enter X, Y, and Z scale values, and select an option for Additional Scaling.
    scale the multi-view block based on the drawing units specified in the Drawing Setup dialog box select Enable AEC Unit Scaling.
    specify properties for attributes associated with the multi-view block select options for Attribute Text Style and Attribute Text Angle.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Specify the drawing file in which to store the multi-view block definition:
    If you want to store the multi-view block… Then…
    in the current drawing select Current Drawing.
    in a different drawing clear Current Drawing, and then either enter a file name or click Browse to specify a file.
  8. Select the icon to represent the multi-view block in DesignCenter:
    If you want to… Then…
    use a bitmap of the drawing as the icon click Default Icon.
    specify a bitmap (.bmp) file containing the image to be used as the icon click New Icon, and select a bitmap file.
  9. Enter a description of the multi-view block.

    The description is displayed in DesignCenter, along with the icon representing the multi-view block.

  10. Select Save Preview Graphics to enable previewing in DesignCenter, or clear Save Preview Graphics to disable previewing.
  11. Click Finish.