To Insert a Block Using the Libraries Tab

  1. Click Home tabBlock panelInsertBlocks from Libraries. Find
  2. Click to select a folder or a file.
  3. If you have selected a folder that contains multiple drawings, do any of the following:
    • Double-click on a drawing to view and insert the blocks in the drawing.
    • Click the file drop-down list to display the 10 most recently used block libraries (folder or drawing file).
    • Click the Back to Library to return to the library and display the blocks and drawing in the folder.
  4. Use either the click-and-place or drag-and-drop method to insert the block reference.
  5. At the bottom of the Blocks palette, choose one or more options to control the placement, scale, rotation, and automatic repetition. If you want the objects in the block to be inserted as individual objects instead of as a single block, select Explode.
Note: The slight delay in generating the blocks thumbnail preview does not affect the block insertion.