Displays information about a digital signature.
You can determine if a digital signature is valid and if the signed file has been modified since it was signed.
The following options are displayed.
Displays the location and name of the file whose digital signature is being viewed.
Displays a Valid Signature icon if a digital signature is valid, and an Invalid Signature icon if the digital signature is not valid.
Displays the status of the signed file.
Displays the Digital Signature Contents dialog box. This option is available only if the digital signature is valid and the file has not been modified since it was signed.
Contains detailed information about any xrefs in the signed file.
Displays the xref drawings contained in a file's base drawing.
Contains a list of the xref drawings in a signed file. This list is available only if the current file contains xrefs and View Xref Drawings is selected.
Displays the Digital Signatures Contents dialog box for the selected xref. This button is enabled only if the xref has a valid digital signature attached.