Displays information about a digital signature.
SIGVALIDATE (Command): View Base Signature
You can determine if a digital signature is valid and if the signed file has been modified since it was signed.
The following options are displayed.
Displays the location and name of the file whose digital signature is being viewed.
Displays the status of the digital signature.
Displays the status of the signed file.
Displays the name of the organization or individual who attached a digital signature to the current file.
Displays the subject, issuer, valid from date, valid to date, or serial number in the Values box.
Displays information about the organization or individual who owns the digital ID and attached the digital signature.
Displays the name of the certificate authority that originally issued the digital ID.
Displays the day, month, year, and exact time from which the digital ID can be first used and is considered valid.
Displays the day, month, year, and exact time at which the digital ID ceases to be valid.
Displays the serial number assigned to the digital ID.
Displays information about a digital signature based on the item you select in the Other Fields list.
Displays any comments about the digital signature that is attached to the current file.
Displays the date and time that the digital signature was attached to the current file. The date and time are based on the time service used when the signature was attached.
Displays the time service used to add the time stamp to the current file.
Determines if the Digital Signature Contents dialog box is displayed for signed xrefs. This check box is displayed only in the Digital Signature Contents dialog box when a signed drawing is opened.